The ivory-billed woodpecker, if you
haven’t heard, is no longer extinct. In late spring, a group of 17 researchers
announced in the online version of Science that they had spotted at least one
member of this majestic species living in the cypress and tupelo swamps of
eastern Arkansas. Once found everywhere in Southern hardwood forests, the
ivory-billed woodpecker tumbled in population after the turn of the century, the
victim of avid collectors and logging. It had last been seen in 1944, reduced to
what Tim Gallagher, author of "The Grail Bird: Hot on the Trail of the
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker," calls "a symbol of everything that h A. is extinct since the year of 1994. B. was found by a group of 17 researchers through the internet. C. is called "Grail Bird" because it is hallowed to the degree of holiness. D. is so famous that it has become a symbol of the spoiled relationship between human beings and nature. [单选题]一二次融合柱上开关设备配套配电终端应循环存储不少()条SOE记录。
A.1024,SOE B.512,SOE C.1024,COS D.512,SOE [多项选择]系统性红斑狼疮的临床活动指标包括()
A. 发热 B. 血沉快 C. 血C3降低 D. 狼疮脑 E. 溶血性贫血 [单项选择]患者女性,20岁,主要以左侧关节区疼痛和开口受限为主要症状就诊,患者可以指出疼痛在关节区深部,但不能触及。检查见开口中度受限,被动开口度大于自然开口度,上颌结节后上方有压痛,无弹响,开口时下颌偏向左侧。此患者最可能诊断是()。
A. 关节囊松弛 B. 可复性关节盘前移位 C. 翼外肌功能亢进 D. 翼外肌痉挛 E. 骨关节病 [判断题]行车有关人员在执行职务时,必须坚守岗位,穿着规定的服装,佩戴易于识别的证章或携带相应证件,讲普通话。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]某个股票现价为$50。已知6个月后将为$45或$55。无风险年利率为10%(连续复利)。执行价格为$50,6个月后到期的欧式看跌期权的价值为多少?
[填空题]通常,将软件产品从提出、实现、使用维护到停止使用退役的过程称为 【4】 。
[判断题]铁路线路定测和施工设计要根据初步设计鉴定意见进行。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]>通过道口或横越线路时,应“手比、眼看、口呼”,做到 “一站、二看、三通过”制度,严禁来车时抢越
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]机车牵引电机在电阻制动时作为( )运行。P30T152
[单项选择]One of the most authoritative speaking to us today is, of course, the voice of the advertisers. It has forced on us a whole new conception of the successful man as a man no less than 20% of whose mail consists of announcements of giant carpet sales.
Perhaps the answer is that advertising saves the manufacturers from having to think about the customer. At the stage of designing and developing a product, there is quite enough to think about without worrying over whether anybody will want to buy it. The designer is busy enough without adding customer appeal to all his other problems of man-hours and machine tolerances and stress factors. So they just go ahead and make the thing and leave it to the advertiser to find eleven ways of making it appeal to purchasers after they have finished it, by pretending that it confers status, or attracts love, or signifies manness. If the advertising agency can do this authoritatively enough, the manufacturer is in clover. Other manufactur A. advise them on ways of giving a product customerappeal B. accept responsibility for giving a product customerappeal C. advise them on the best time to go ahead with production D. consult them during the design and development stages [单项选择]冉阿让是哪部小说里的主人公?()
A. 《基督山伯爵》 B. 《巴黎圣母院》 C. 《复活》 D. 《悲惨世界》 [单选题] 立党为公,执政为民是“三个代表”重要思想的( )。
A.基础 B.重点 C.核心 D.本质 [填空题]调车线换算容车数计算方法:按线路有效长的<--NRC-->分别除以换算长度11m和14.3m计算。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]法律作为行为规范的基本特征是什么?
[单选题]多轴飞行器动力装置多为电动系统的最主要原因是( )
A.电动系统尺寸较小且较为廉价 B.电动系统形式简单且电机速度响应快 C.电动系统干净且不依赖传统生物燃料 [多选题]放、紧线前,应检查确认导线无障碍物挂住,导线与牵引绳的连接应可靠,线盘架应( )。
A.A.美观清洁 B.B.稳固可靠 C.C.转动灵活 D.D.制动可靠 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]拆除杆上导线前,应检查(____),做好防止倒杆措施,在挖坑前应先绑好拉绳。
A.卡盘 B.拉线 C.埋深 D.杆根 [单项选择]按照GB/T19964《光伏发电站接入电力系统技术规定》要求,当公共电网电压处于正常范围内时,通过110(66)kV电压等级接入电网的光伏发电站应能够控制光伏发电站并网点电压在标称电压的()范围内。
A. 96%~106% B. 97%~107% C. 98%~108% D. 100%~110% [多选题]旅游的六大要素是饮食、住宿、购物、娱乐、( )
A.商务 B.养生 C.游览 D.交通 E.研学 我来回答: 提交