The poor little girl was tired and
hungry in the forest (森林). She walked through the forest, hoping to find
something to eat because she didn’t want to die. Then she found a little house
and thought it must be a woodman’s (伐木人的) house and she might be able to stay
there. So she knocked at the door. As there was no answer, she opened it and
went inside. There she saw a room with a long table. On it there were seven knives and forks, seven plates and drinking cups, and on the plates and in the cups were food and drink. The little girl was too hungry to turn away from the food, so she took a little from each plate and each cup. At the other end of the room, there were seven little beds. She tried to lie on some of them, and when she found a very ni [判断题]在封锁时间内进行隧道作业,除按规定防护外,还应编好作业组,进出隧道由小组负责人清点人数;
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]有两个数a和b,其中a的1/5是b的3倍,那么a:b的值是()
A. 1/15 B. 5 C. 15 D. 1/3 [单项选择]大承气汤的辨证要点是()
A. 痞、满、实 B. 痞、满 C. 满、燥、实 D. 痞、满、燥、实 E. 燥、实 [单选题]税务审计主要包括税费核算、税款申报和缴纳、发票管理等活动及相关财务信息。重点关注( )、对国家税务法规和纳税纪律的执行情况以及税收优惠减免情况等。
A.增值税专用发票的开具情况 B.增值税普通发票的开具情况 C.增值税专普发票的开具情况 D.增值税普通发票的代开情况 [简答题]M900的波道编号不再以第×波为标准说法,而是改成以波长标示波道,请说出M900中40×10G的OMU(VMUX)的ch1…ch40与80×10G的OMU(VMUX)以及OMU+(VMUX+)的ch1…ch40分别对应的波长的规律。
A. 装配尺寸 B. 外形尺寸 C. 安装尺 D. 特性尺寸 [判断题]滚筒驱动带式输送机的输送带、滚筒、托辊等材质符合规定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列选项中,不属于火场警戒范围的确定因素的是( )。
A.根据直接危害范围确定 B.根据处置需要的空间确定 C.根据指挥员的需要范围确定 D.根据侦检监测结果确定 [多选题]野外作业遇雷雨时,作业人员应放下手中的金属器具,迅速到安全处所躲避,严禁在( )躲避。
A.路肩旁 B.大树下 C.电杆旁 D.涵洞内 [多选题]有限空间内盛装或者残留的物料对作业存在危害时,作业前应对物料进行( )或者置换,危险有害因素符合相关要求后,方可进入有限空间作业。
A.清洗 B.清除 C.干洗 D.清空 我来回答: 提交