某商业银行向客户发放一笔消费贷款,贷款金额为600万元,利率为6%,期限2年,贷款为贴现发放。 根据上述材料回答下列问题: |
The discovery of planets around distant
stars has become like space-shuttle launches — newsworthy but just barely. With
some 50 extra solar planets under their belt, astronomers have to announce
something really strange to get anyone’s attention. Last week they did just that. Standing in front of colleagues and reporters at the American Astronomical Society’s semiannual meeting in San Diego, the world’s premier planet-hunting team — astronomer Geoffrey Marcy of the University of California, Berkeley, and his colleagues — presented not one but two remarkable finds. The first is a pair of planets, each about the mass of Jupiter, which whirl around their home star 15 light-years from Earth in perfect lockstep. One takes 30 days to complete an orbit, the other exactly twice as long. Nobody has ever seen s A. other stars have planets more or less like the one going around them B. other stars have planets with bigger orbits C. the way planets orbiting around the sun in our solar system is quite unique D. planets in other systems have elongated orbits [单选题]165、检测当前平面视图或整个项目中的设备的配电情况,可以使用()命令
A.A.配电检测 B.B.回路检测 C.C.连线检测 D.D设备检测、 [判断题]动车组、自轮运转特种设备在集中联锁区域调车作业必须执行“指路式”调车规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )切割填料时,最好将填料绕在与泵轴(轴套)同样直径的圆棒上切割,以保证尺寸正确,切口平行。切口应整齐,无松散的石棉线头。接口成45°~55°角。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]In May 1995, Andrew Lloyd Webber, creator of a string of international hit musicals and a very wealthy man, spent U. S.$ 29.2 million on Picasso’s "Portrait of Angel Fernanders de Soto’. It was the highest price paid at auction for a painting since the art market crashed in 1990.
Lloyd Webber has a theory that Picasso’s Blue Period paintings were influenced by Burne-Jones, the British Pre-Raphaelite master whose international reputation stood high at the turn of the century. The theory is not shared by many art historians, but that doesn’t matter to the composer. He had been looking for a Blue Period Picasso for some time. It is now extremely hard to come by Blue Period Picassos—figurative works that are drenched in melancholy, expressed by a dominant use of blue. Blue Period subjects par excellence are mothers and children or harlequins; Lloyd Webber’s purchase is not the most attractive of them. He paid roughly double what the picture was worth. He seems to have got carried [单选题]在哺乳动物的上、下丘之间切断脑干,动物会出现
A.脊髓休克 B.去大脑僵直 C.去皮层僵直 D.呼吸暂停 E.血压增高 [章节:神经系统,教学要求:了解,分值单位:1.0,难度:0.6,区分度:0.5] [单选题]党纪面前一律平等。对违犯党纪的党组织和党员必须严肃、公正执行纪律,党内不允许有任何不受( )约束的党组织和党员。
A.条例 B.纪律 C.规定 D.条约 [单选题]工业上常用硫碱代替烧碱使用的原因是( )。
A.含有相同的Na+ B.它们都是碱 C.含有还原性的S2- D.S2-水解呈强碱性 [单选题]乙醛氧化生产醋酸,原料投料为纯度99.4%的乙醛500kg/h,得到的产物为纯度98%的醋酸580kg/h,计算乙醛的理论及实际消耗定额为( ) kg/h。
A.723、862 B.500、623 C.723、826 D.862、723 [单选题]无调中转列车晚点到达时,应组织列检大组快速作业,加速( )作业压缩列车技术作业时间。
A.货物检查 B.机车换挂 C.车辆检修 D.核对现车 我来回答: 提交