{{B}}Text{{/B}} … The greatest advantage of books does not always come from what we remember of them, but from their{{U}} (8) {{/U}}. A good book often{{U}} (9) {{/U}}as a match to{{U}} (10) {{/U}}the dormant-powder within us. There is explosive material{{U}} (11) {{/U}}in most of us if we can only reach it. A good book or a good friend often excites{{U}} (12) {{/U}}in great writers, even{{U}} (13) {{/U}}entirely different subjects. We often find in books{{U}} (14) {{/U}}we thought and felt, could we not have expressed ourselves. Indeed, we get{{U}} (15) {{/U}}with ourselves in books. We{{U}} (16) {{/U}}one feature in Emerson, another lineament in Shakespeare, an expression in Homer, a glimpse of ourselves in Dante, and so on{{U}} (17) {{/ A. who B. whose C. whom D. which [不定项选择题]反映甲状腺功能变化最早期敏感指标是( )。
A.游离甲状腺素(FT4) B.促甲状腺素(TS C. D.131I摄取率 E.游离三碘甲腺原氨酸(FT3) [单项选择]诊断肾结核最可靠的依据是()。
A. 尿中找到抗酸杆菌 B. 尿培养结核杆菌阳性 C. 尿中有大量脓细胞 D. 附睾扪及结节 E. 膀胱镜见到膀胱粘膜有溃疡炎症 [单选题]抗战时期,各大学迁往云南昆明,成立国立西南联合大学,不包括( )
A.北京大学 B.清华大学 C.私立南开大学 D.复旦大学 [单选题]如果物体在透镜前90cm处和像在透镜45cm处,那么该透镜的焦距是( )。
A.30cm B.40cm C.45cm D.50cm [简答题]不满十六周岁的未成年人能否被应许脱离监护单独居住?
[单选题]甲县公安机关接到乙县王某有关陈某、刘某、卞某合伙拐卖妇女的报案,依法对报案材料进行立案前的审查。下列不是公安机关决定立案的条件的是( )。
A.需要追究陈某、刘某、卞某刑事责任 B.拐卖行为发生在甲县 C.有明确的犯罪嫌疑人 D.认为有拐卖妇女的犯罪事实 [单项选择]According to studies cited by the National Eating Disorders Association, 42 percent of girls in first through third grade want to be thinner, 81 percent of 10-year-olds are afraid of being fat, and 51 percent of 9 and 10-year-old girls feel better about themselves if they are on a diet.
In many ways, this fixation on weight at ever earlier ages comes at an inopportune time physiologically. At a recent Hadassah meeting at the Woodlands Community Temple in White Plains, Dr. Marcie Schneider, the director of adolescent medicine at Greenwich Hospital, and Erica Leon, a registered dietitian, spoke about early adolescence as a time when a little bit of pudginess is necessary for proper growth, and youngsters wrestle constantly with their body image. "I can’t tell you how many kids I’ve seen who’ve been on the Atkins diet, or on the South Beach diet. "Ms. Leon said, adding that overweight children who try diets can be at risk of developing eating disorders. After the p A. it is too bad for youngsters to be a bit fat B. it is necessary for the children to be a bit fat C. youngsters should struggle with their body image D. overweight children should not diet [判断题] 班组是企业生产最基本的单位,是团结协作的基础。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 中继系统由定向天线、漏泄电缆、( )组成。
A.发射设备 B.信道 C.中继器 D.接收设备 [多选题]任何单位或者个人均有权向负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门报告或者举报()。
A.事故隐患 B.安全生产违法行为 C.治安管理违法行为 D.不文明行为 [判断题]消防泵既是独立的消防装备,也是消防车和有关固定灭火系统的核心配套设备。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]宏观经济状况包括( )。
A. 经济发展水平 B. 经济发展状况 C. 经济发展前景 D. 经济发展速度 E. 经济结构 [单项选择]Lack government support, they had to approach sponsors, organizers, and musicians on their own—at first, she claims, in her country.
A. Lacks B. Lacked C. Lacking D. A lack of [判断题]有毒环境中,氧气浓度18%以下,有毒气体浓度2%以上的地方,过滤式防毒面具各种型号滤毒罐都不能起到防护作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]通货紧缩使得固定利率的债务人获利,而债权人受损。
A. 商丘 B. 劳宫 C. 百会、神阙 D. 秩边 E. 命门、肾俞 [判断题]空调自动控制系统中变送器.控制器.执行器.控制对象五个部分不需要检查。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者因尿血就诊,自诉小便频数,偶有灼痛,视其舌红苔黄,脉数。治疗应首选的方剂是
A.十灰散 B.四生丸 C.止嗽散 D.咳血方 E.小蓟饮子 我来回答: 提交