Man has been storing up useful knowledge about himself and the universe at the rate which has been spiraling upward for 10,000 years.
The (21) took a sharp upward leap with the invention of writing, but even (22) it remained painfully slow for several centuries. The next great leap forward (23) knowledge acquisition did not occur (24) the invention of movable type in the 15th century by Gutenberg and others. (25) to 1500, by the most optimistic (26) Europe was producing books at a rate of 1000 titles per year. This means that it (27) a full century to produce a library of 100,000 titles. By 1950, four and a half (28) later, the rate had accelerated so sharply that Europe was producing 120,000 titles a year. (29) once took a century now took only ten months. By 1960, a (30) decade later, the rate had made another significant jump, (31) a century’s work could be finished in seven and a half
A. now that
B. so that
C. as
D. when
Every year about 4,000,000 Americans
are arrested and accused of crimes ranging from theft and traffic violations to
murder. The Supreme Court (最高法院) has ruled that anyone charged with a crime has
certain rights under the law. Do you know what your rights are if you are
arrested Here are four of them. First, as soon as the police arrest a person, they must tell him of his right to remain silent. Under the law, he is not required to answer their questions. Second, the po A. keep silent B. find a lawyer C. inform his family D. controlled [单项选择]方女士,26岁,已婚,停经50天,下腹隐痛两天,今晚下腹剧痛1h来急诊。疑患“宫外孕”入院。异位妊娠最常见的原因是()。
A. 输卵管发育异常 B. 慢性输卵管炎 C. 输卵管结扎再通术后 D. 盆腔肿瘤压迫输卵管 E. 孕卵游走 [单选题]《消防法》规定,村民委员会、居民委员会应当(),加强消防宣传教育。
A.因地制宜 B.协助人民政府以及公安机关等部门 C.结合当地特点 [判断题]牵引变压器过负荷60%应停止运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]每个安检工作人员都要自觉摆正()的关系
A.严格检查与文明服务 B.安全检查和文明服务 C.严格检查和文明执勤 D.安全检查和文明执勤 [单项选择]以下就液体径向分布不均对反应的影响表述正确的是()
A. 当径向局部液流量过大,则该处空速偏大,转化率偏高,床层温度偏高。 B. 当径向局部液流量过大,则该处空速偏小,转化率偏高,床层温度偏高。 C. 当径向局部液流量过大,则该处空速偏大,转化率偏低,床层温度偏低。 D. 当径向局部液流量过大,则该处空速偏小,转化率偏低,床层温度偏低。 [单项选择]对离合器的基本要求是工作(),接合(),分离();操作和维修方便;抗磨性和散热性能好,外廓尺寸小,重量轻。
A. 可靠,平稳,迅速; B. 可靠,迅速,迅速; C. 平稳,迅速,迅速; [多选题]下列可审核签发二次工作安全措施票的有( )。
A.A.综合员 B.B.技术人员 C.C.班长 D.D.班员 我来回答: 提交