In 1942, the HMS Edinburgh was sunk in
the Barents Sea. It was on its {{U}} (21) {{/U}} back to Britain with
ninety-one boxes of Russian gold. {{U}} (22) {{/U}} thirty-nine years it
lay there, too deep for divers to {{U}} (23) {{/U}}. No one was allowed
to explode it, either, since the bodies of sixty of the crew also lay in the
{{U}} (24) {{/U}}. Then, in 1981, an ex-diver called Jessop decided to
try using new diving techniques. {{U}} (25) {{/U}} he could not afford to
finance the {{U}} (26) {{/U}} which was going to cost four million
pounds, he had to look for people who were {{U}} (27) {{/U}} to take the
risk. {{U}} (28) {{/U}}, they were not even sure the gold was g A. managed B. achieved C. succeeded D. fulfilled [判断题]为了估计可转换证券的理论价值,必须首先估计与它具有同等资信和类似投资特点的不可转换证券的必要收益率,然后利用这个必要收益率算出它未来现金流量的现值。()
A. 直肠是直的,故称直肠 B. 直肠在腹腔之外 C. 直肠起源于内胚层 D. 直肠全长约15cm E. 直肠下方终于肛管 [多项选择]It is said that one could aim at a prosperous life (having a good income and being able to afford the good things in life), an important life (a life of achievement that brings one respect and recognition), or a family life (a life completely centered on one’s family). Write an essay of about 400 words on
What I Consider Important in life In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR [单选题]-E-M-003 4 2 3
在线路允许速度 160≥Vmax>120km/h正线,线路轨道静态几何尺寸容许偏差管理值中,三角坑(缓和曲线)的经常保养标准为( )mm。 A.4 B.7 C.8 D.5 [判断题]用K型热电偶和与其相配的补偿导线测温。若在接线中把补偿导线的极性接反了,则仪表的指示偏大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]结汇是指客户将外汇卖给银行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Parents should stop blaming themselves because there’s not a lot they can do about it. I mean the teenager (十几岁的孩子) problem. Whatever you do or however you choose to deal with it, at certain times a wonderful, reasonable and helpful child will turn into a terrible animal.
I’ve seen friends deal with it in all kinds of different ways. One strict mother insisted that her son should stand up whenever anyone entered the room, open doors and shake hands like a gentleman. I saw him last week when I called round. Sprawling himself (懒散地躺) on the sofa in full length, he made no attempt to turn off the loud TV he was watching as I walked in, and his greeting was no more than a quick glance at me. His motherwas ashamed. "I don’t know what to do with him these days," she said. "He’s forgotten all the manners we taught him." He hasn’t forgotten them. He’s just decided that he’s not going to use them. She confessed (坦白) that she would like to come up behind him and throw him down from the A. the change from good to bad that’s seen in a child B. the way that parents often blame themselves C. the opinion that a child has of his parents D. the advice that parents want their children to follow [单项选择]王国维在《宋元戏曲考》中说:“盖自唐宋以来,士之竟于科目者,已非一朝一夕之事。一旦废之,彼其才力无所用,而一于词曲发之。……适杂剧之新体出,遂多从事于此……充其才力,而使元剧之作,遂为千古独绝之文字。”这一材料实质上揭示了()
A. 元杂剧兴盛的直接原因 B. 文化发展与时代变迁的关系 C. 科举考试在元代式微 D. 元杂剧空前绝后的历史地位 [单项选择]家庭健康询问调查属于()
A. 描述性研究 B. 分析性研究 C. 实验性研究 D. 以上都是 E. 以上都不是 [简答题]生态博物馆的弊端?
A. 电动机停转 B. 电动机温度过高而冒烟 C. 转速变慢 D. 电动机外壳带电 [多选题]消防救援队伍领导干部经济责任审计分为( )。
A.任期审计 B.离任审计 C.晋职审计 D.提拔审计 [多选题]《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理非法生产、销售烟草专卖品等刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》所称“卷烟辅料”是指( )。
A.卷烟纸 B.滤嘴棒 C.烟用丝束 D.烟草薄片 [判断题]操作票应填写设备的双重名称,即设备名称和编号。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]临床上构音障碍与失语不同的是,后者是()。
A. 延髓麻痹 B. 语音含糊,言语正确 C. 对语言的认识和表达受损 D. 咽喉肌肉瘫痪 E. 心理障碍 [单选题]向封锁区间发出救援列车时,不办理行车闭塞手续,以( ),作为进入封锁区间的许可。(技规)
A.列车调度员的命令 B.路票 C.绿色许可证 [判断题]关闭电瓶时遥控门锁也应工作
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]影响片剂成型的因素是
A. 颗粒色泽 B. 原辅料性质 C. 黏合剂与润滑剂 D. 水分 E. 压片机冲的多少 [单项选择]治疗粒细胞缺乏症脾肾亏虚首选方剂是()
A. 归脾汤 B. 补中益气汤 C. 黄芪建中汤合右归丸 D. 六味地黄丸 E. 八珍汤 [多项选择]青光眼滤过手术后应观察
A. 角膜是否清亮、前房深浅 B. 伤口缝线及滤过泡大小及形态 C. 虹膜根切口是否通畅 D. 瞳孔大小 E. 眼压情况 [判断题]重点关注和防控可疑人员在营业场所从事违法违规活动或超长时间逗留,发现问题应立即制止,并予劝离,情节严重的应向上级行及时报告。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交