The British are the European Union’s
worst linguists while the citizens of Luxembourg are the best, according to an
EU poll published recently. Almost two-thirds of Britons know no language apart
from their mother tongue, the highest figure recorded in the 15 EU countries.
That compares to just 2.2 percent in Luxembourg, 12.3 percent of Danes and an EU
average of 47.3 percent of people who speak no other language but their own, the
poll of 16,000 Ell citizens said. But British travelers to Europe need not
worry. English is the most common second language in the EU, spoken by 41
percent of the block’s citizens. In Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands, at
least 78 percent of people speak English as a second language. Although 47
percent of EU citizens know only their mother tongue, there is wide agreement
that speaking foreign languag A. 71 percent B. 72 percent C. 69 percent D. 70 percent [单项选择]女,41岁,诊断为肝炎后肝硬化失代偿期,一周来出现轻微腹痛,腹水增多。查体:T38.5℃,腹水常规:黄色,比重为1.016,蛋白25g/L,白细胞500×10/L,中性粒细胞0.85,最可能的并发症是()
A. 脾栓塞 B. 原发性肝癌 C. 自发性腹膜炎 D. 门静脉血栓形成 E. 结核性腹膜炎 [单项选择]根据我国《环境保护法》的规定,下列关于环境污染危害的民事法律责任及环境民事纠纷的解决的叙述,错误的是哪项( )
A. 造成环境污染危害的,有责任排除危害,并对直接受到损害的单位或个人赔偿损失 B. 赔偿责任和赔偿金额的纠纷,可以根据当事人的请求,由环保行政主管部门或其他依法行使环境监督管理权的部门处理 C. 当事人对环保部门处理决定不服的,可以向人民法院起诉 D. 未经环保部门处理,当事人不能直接向人民法院起诉 [单选题]下列故障原因中( )会导致直流电动机不能启动。
A.电源电压过高 B.接线错误 C.电刷架位置不对 D.励磁回路电阻过大 [单选题]顶管法施工,管子的顶进或停止,应以()。
A.指挥人员发出的信号为准 B.顶进不顺为停止信号 C.工具管头部发出信号为准 D.监视人发出信号为准 [简答题]实施纪律处分的原则是什么?
[单选题]750kV设备绝缘油微水质量指标应≤( )mg/L。
A.35 B.15 C.5 D.25 [单选题]社区康复任务不包括
A.组织残疾儿童进行特殊教育 B.提供就业咨询辅导和训练 C.提供疾病的治疗 D.进行社区康复训练 E.进行家庭康复训练 [单选题]隧道灭火措施( )。
A.直接灭火法 B.转移处置法 C..封洞窒息法 D.以上都对 [单项选择]He tried to ______ to the view of the public more distinctly than is commonly done.
A. exploit B. explore C. expose D. explode [多项选择]根据《标准化法》的规定,工程建设标准分为( )。
A. 地方标准 B. 企业标准 C. 推荐性标准 D. 国际标准 E. 强制性标准 [单选题]赵某是累犯,被判处无期徒刑,执行( )方可减刑
A.一年以上 B.一年六个月以上 C.二年以上 D.三年以上 我来回答: 提交