For some educators, there is nothing wrong with
fun and games. A group called the Education Arcade recently held a
conference in Los Angeles to discuss the future of educational games. The
Education Arcade brings together international game designers, publishers,
teachers and policymakers. They say they want to lead change in the way the
world learns through computer and video games. The conference was part of E-three, the Electronic Entertainment Exposition. This is a yearly trade show where companies show off new games and educational products. The Education Arcade started at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, near Boston. Professors worked with the Microsoft Company to create what they called the Games-to-Teach Project. The group began to explore ways to use technology in teaching and l A. To work for the Microsoft Company. B. To do research for Game-to-Teach Project. C. To initiate the Games-to-Teach Project. D. To develop methodology of teaching. [单选题] 激光打印机特点有()
A.质量高、速度快 B.噪音小、成本低 C.打印负荷大 D.以上都有 [判断题]在分散自律控制模式下,中心操作和车站调车操作方式车站(线路所)的行车工作,均由本区段列车调度员统一指挥。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]ZD6转辙机碳刷长度不小于碳刷全长的( )。
A.A、1/2 B.B、1/3 C.C、3/4 D.D、3/5 [多选题]威缴费解决了商户后台的()问题
A.谁缴的费 B.什么时候缴费 C.缴纳的什么费用 D.缴纳的金额是多少 E.略 [单项选择]根据我国法律,在王某涉嫌盗窃一案中,能担任辩护人的是:
A. 某公安机关户籍科科长由某,是被告人的同学 B. 被告人的朋友许某,因犯危害国家安全罪被剥夺政治权利 C. 审判该案的法院法警王大某,是被告人的哥哥 D. 被告人的好友林某,正在被管制 [填空题]烹调时在明确了火候要求的同时,还要根据原料的数量调节()。
A.专变用户和低压用户 B.专线用户和低压用户 C.专变用户和高压用户 D.专线用户和高压用户 [多选题]我行金教育平台可覆盖的客户范围为
A.A-各级教育主管部门 B.B-高等院校/职业学校 C.C-K-12 D.D-校外培训机构 E.E-幼儿园 [判断题]厂商在市场上往往处于有利地位。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按照“物美价廉”的原则确定供应单位,原则上至少需通过( )家以上供应单位询比价,填写分公司自购自提比价表,须明确供方名称、电话、联络人、价格、供应物资或服务等信息。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]在AUTOCAD中,POLYGON命令最多可以绘制多少条边的正多边形:()
A. 128 B. 256 C. 512 D. 1024 [单选题]低浓度热催化便携式甲烷检测仪能测量的最高瓦斯浓度一般不超过( )。
A.1.0% B.2.0% C.4.0% D.10.0% [多选题]为加强配电作业现场管理,规范各类工作人员的行为,保证()()()安全,依据国家有关法律、法规,结合配电作业实际,制定本规程;
A.A.人身 B.B.电网 C.C.设备 D.D.设施 E.略 F.略 G.略 我来回答: 提交