A. 删除存在注入点的网页
B. 对数据库系统的管理权限进行严格的控制
C. 通过网络防火墙严格限制Internet用户对web服务器的访问
D. 对web用户输入的数据进行严格的过滤
[单选题]古人说:“是以与善人居,如入芝兰之室,久而自芳也;与恶人居,如人鲍鱼之肆,久而自臭也。”这种德育方法是( )。
[单选题]事故调查组组长由负责事故调查的( )指定
A. 检察院
B. 公安部门
C. 工会
D. 人民政府
[单选题]BD002 U形液柱压力表的测量准确度受读数精度和工作液体毛细作用的影响,因此,一般读取弯月面的中心,当工作液为水银时读取凸面的( )。
[单项选择]张某是某有限责任公司的股东,张某想查阅公司会计账簿,以下说法正确的是( )
A. 张某有权以口头或者书面形式通知公司要求查阅公司会计账簿
B. 公司无权拒绝张某查阅会计账簿
C. 公司拒绝张某查阅的,张某有权提起诉讼请求法院要求公司提供查阅
D. 公司拒绝张某查阅的,张某有权提起诉讼请求法院要求公司承担赔偿责任
[单项选择]According to the author, clinical trials of vitamin supplements______.
A. often result in misleading conclusions
B. take time and will not produce conclusive results
C. should be conducted by scientists on a larger scale
D. appear to be a sheer waste of time and resources
[填空题]在75kg/m钢轨上钻螺栓孔上夹板时,第二孔至第三孔中心距为( )。
[单选题]中国反洗钱监测分析中心设在( )。
A. 氨茶碱
B. 异丙阿托品
C. 沙丁胺醇
D. 倍氯米松
E. 色甘酸钠
[单选题] 观光车额定载客人数(含驾驶员)大于或者等于( )人,但不得大于23人. 单选
A. 2
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10
[单项选择]生产准备中所进行的工艺选优、编制和修改工艺文件、设计补充制造工艺装备等属于( )。
A. 工艺技术准备
B. 人力的准备
C. 物料、能源准备
D. 设备完好准备
A. 生长激素泌乳素混合瘤
B. 生长激素瘤
C. 泌乳素瘤
D. 促甲状腺素瘤
E. 促肾上腺皮质激素瘤
[填空题]Suggestions for Your Work Annie is a longtime secretary/receptionist for two senior vice presidents at a big company. They have been doing a lot of hiring lately, and almost all of the new middle-management personnel have been interviewed by one or the other of Annie’s two bosses, so naturally they come through her office first. Some of these people are unbelievably rude. Either they treat Annie like a piece of furniture (no hello, no eye contact) or they think she is their errand (差使) girl. Lately, Annie’s two bosses have started asking her for her impressions of job candidates. So far this week, two have been discourteous (失礼的) and dismissive, so Altair gave both the thumbs-down. Neither is getting called back for the next round of interviews. No one knows how common this is, but if you are job hunting, it’s necessary to be aware that the dummy at the reception desk may be anything but not "just a secretary".Suggestions to Job Hunters According to Annie Stevens and Greg Gostanian, two partners at a Boston-based executive coaching firm called Clear Rock, it’s not unusual these days for a hiring manager to ask everyone who meets a potential new hire to give an opinion of him or her. "One of the biggest reasons so many newly recruited managers fail in a new job is their inability to fit in and get along with the people who are already there," says Stevens. "So employers now want to get staffers’ impressions right at the start." Adds Gostanian: "A lot can be learned from how candidates treat receptionists. If the jobseeker is rude, condescending, or arrogant, this might be an indication of how he or she would treat coworkers or direct reports." Obviously, anyone looking for a new job would do well not to alienate the person who sits outside the interviewer’s door. Stevens and Gostanian offer these six tips fur getting off to the right start: ·Introduce yourself as you would to any other potential new colleague. Smile, shake hands, and so on. It seems odd that this has to be spelled out, but apparently it does; and, besides being a matter of common courtesy, ordinary friendliness offers a practical advantage. "Learning and remembering an interviewer’s receptionist’s name can only help as you advance in the interviewing process," Stevens notes. ·Don’t regard a receptionist or other assistant as an underling (部下) —at least, not as your own personal underling. "Always ask the interviewer if you need help from anyone else in the office where you’re interviewing, instead of seeking this directly yourself," says Gostanian. In other words, if you’d like to leave an extra copy of your resume, refrain from sending the interviewer’s assistant to the Xerox machine. ·It’s fine to accept if you’re offered a beverage, but keep it simple. "Don’t ask for particular brand names or expect to be brewed a fresh pot of coffee," Stevens says. And of course, need we add that dispatching anybody to Starbucks is out of the question ·Feel free to make small talk, but know that anything you say may well get back to the interviewer. "Don’t ask probing questions about the company or offer unsolicited opinions," Gostanian advises. No matter how hideous the office door, endless the hike from the parking lot, or inconvenient the wait to see the interviewer, keep it to yourself. Plenty of time for whining (抱怨) and grumbling after you’re hired. ·Don’t talk on your ceil phone in front of the receptionist, and try to put your BlackBerry aside. "If you have to make or take a call, leave the reception area," Stevens says. Preoccupation with wireless devices will mark you, she says, as "a cold and fixated person". ·Don’t forget to say good-bye. "Failure to say good-bye to someone you’ve just met reflects negatively on you," Gostanian notes. "You’ll come across as impersonal and uncaring." That’s hardly the image any job hunter wants to project.How to Measure Your Work Any job, like any relationship, has its difficult moments. And with the job market heating up, the temptations to change partners are growing. As with any relationship, however, you really should assess the full value of what you’ve got before giving it up wholesale, because—let’s face it—regret really is a waste of your time. Regardless of the main task of a job—be it bond trading, teaching, balancing the books, or cleaning hotel rooms—are there objective criteria that you can use to measure whether your job is wonderful or not Workplace experts Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman have identified several. In their book First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently, they offer a useful guide in the form of 12 questions: ·Do I know what’s expected of mc at work ·Do I have the materials and equipment I need to de my work right ·At work, do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day ·In the last 7 days, have I received recognition or praise for doing good work ·Does my supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about me as a person ·Is there someone at work who encourages my development ·At work, do my opinions seem to count ·Does the mission/purpose of my company make me feel my job is important ·Are my coworkers committed to doing quality work ·Do I have a best friend at work ·In the last six months, has someone at work talked to me about my progress ·This last year, have I had opportunities at work to learn and to grow Buckingham and Coffman picked these 12 questions after looking for patterns among the responses of more than 1 million employees to workplace questions posed by the Gallup Organization over the years. "We were searching for those special questions where the most engaged employees... answered positively, and everyone else... answered neutrally or negatively," they wrote. Their reasoning: they wanted to identify the key elements of a strong workplace that can attract and retain talent. Satisfaction with pay and benefits didn’t make the list not because they’re not important. Coffman said, but because they’re important to all employees, whether they’re engaged in their work or not. So, assuming you feel you’re paid the going rate for your job, answering affirmatively to ail or even most of the 12 questions can be an indication that you’ve got a great job that you should part with only for very good reason. And if job satisfaction is important to you, then the promise of a bigger paycheck alone may not be reason enough. When Coffman is asked what percentage of companies he thinks actually pass the 12-question test, his estimate is no more than 15 percent. But within a company, he said, individual departments may meet the test, even if the company overall doesn’t Why The manager of a department makes all the difference. Coffman said when an employee quits, 70 percent of the time she’s not leaving because of the job, she’s leaving because of the manager. One cautionary note: your job may not be as wonderful for you as you think if you answer a majority of the 12 questions affirmatively but the few questions that you can’t are among the first six. That’s because the first six questions make up the base on which job satisfaction rests, according to Buckingham and Coffman. If your current job doesn’t meet the first six criteria, you are more likely to be disengaged with your work and less productive than you could be. Consider question three after all. Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best everyday "If you’re not able to use your gifts every day, you’ll be pretty frustrated," Coffman said. Of course, job satisfaction isn’t a one-way street with a department either meeting your needs or not. In order to answer the 12 questions honestly, you need to know what it is that makes you tick and not blindly blame your department for any job dissatisfaction. Do you know what it is you like to do and what you do best What kind of recognition do you like Public or private What are your values and do they square with your company’s goals How do you like a manager to relate to you Otherwise, your career, like a string of bad relationships, can become a case of "different partner, same problems".The question about satisfaction with pay and benefits is not included in the 12 questions because it’s important to all employees, whether ______ or not.
A. 配偶、父母、成年子女
B. 配偶、成年子女、父母
C. 父母、配偶、成年子女
D. 父母、成年子女、配偶
[单选题]在新的历史条件下,我们党面临着精神懈怠危险、能力不足危险、 [ ]危险 、消极腐败危险。
[判断题]《电气化铁路有关人员电气安全规则目的是保证电气化铁路沿线有关人员的电气安全和有效地防止行车伤亡事故。( )
[单选题] 强化危化品源头装卸管理,严格执行装卸作业操作规程,落实装卸全过程监护,严禁超载、混载,严禁( )情况下装卸危险品。
A. 恶劣天气(冰雪雨雾)
B. 特殊时期(两会、国庆等)
C. 无安全技术说明书
D. 风、雨、雾天气
[多选题]某日深夜,甲市中心一家具厂突发火灾,现场燃起浓浓大火。应急消防部门联合公安等部门快速反应,迅速控制火势,救出 3 名被困工人。扑灭大火后,甲市公安局的下列后续处置工作中恰当的做法有:
A. 麻疹
B. 风疹
C. 猩红热
D. 幼儿急疹
E. 水痘
[判断题]检验检测机构或者其所在的组织,应是能承担法律责任的实体。 ( )
A. 丙戊酸
B. 卡马西平
C. 奥卡西平
D. 拉莫三嗪
E. 托吡酯
[单项选择]It is said in the third paragraph that Abraham Lincoln ______.
A. was anti-social
B. learned little from his friends
C. had few friends
D. knew very few doctors
A. 在物品上贴标签,提示患者
B. 将躯干向左侧旋转
C. 视扫描训练
D. 患者做动作前闭上眼睛想像动作,然后睁眼尝试完成
E. 上楼梯时,将台阶用彩条标出
[单选题]Text l Cycling in London is less pleasant than in many European cities.Main roads teem with lorries;winding back streets are hard Lo navigate.The number of bicycle journeys has nonetheless doubled since 2000.Nationally,just 2qo pedal to work.In Hackney,in London's East End,fully 9%do.But only 2%of women cycle to work in London,compared with 5%of men.Blacks and other ethnic minorities are reluctant to do it,too.Bori6 Johnson,London's mayor,oversaw the introduction of a bike-hiring scheme,which was started by his predecessor but quickly became known as the"Boris bike".He pushed for bright blue cycle paths on some busy roads.But the new cycle highways are far more ambitious and permanent.One will run east-west through the City and the West End.Another will run two miles from Elephant and Castle in the south to Farringdon in north London.Four existinE;routes will also be improved,while around 30 0f the city's busiest junctions wiU be made a bit less dangerous.The new superhighways ought io be much safer than London's existing cycle lanes.A raised pavement will keep cyclists away from cars and lorries.Junctions will be redesigned and some parking bays-including a rew for the disabled-will be removed.Cars will be prevented from turning down certain streets.Similar schemes exist elsewhere:since 2007 around 30 miles of protected cycle lanes have been created in New York.In Amsterdam,where lanes have existed for decades,old people and women are far more inclined to cycle.Greens have long lobbied for cycle paths on the grounds that movin8 people out of cars cuts air poUution.A series of highly publicised accidents,including one involving a newspaper journalist,and several deaths in the city have also put pressure on the mayor to make London safer.And the social transformation of the capital has encouraged officials to smile on cyclists.The population of inner London is rebounding as affluenL folk move in.The new inhabitants want cleaner streets and fewer cars,which are viewed as suburban.Cycling was once a means of transport for the poor.But it has become an imporlant marker of an affluent world city,argues Isabel Dedring,the deputy mayor for transport."There's more pressure on cities to be nice places to live,"she says.
Which of the following is true about Boris Johnson?
A.He initiated a bike-hiring scheme called"Boris bike".
B.He made great effort to build infrastrucLure for cycling.
C.He is a man with strong ambition and great perseverance.
D.He supervised the construction of the new cycle highway.