Could you imagine having a cut heal
almost overnight(一夜之情) Scientists at the University of California in San Francisco have isolated(分离) a sub- stance in rabbits that can heal wounds in half the time! The substance, called angiogenesis(血管生成因子) factor, stimulates the growth of blood vessels after injury. Blood vessels are essential to recovery because they carry oxygen and nutrients to cells that both kill germs and repair tissues. All mammals(哺乳动物), from rats to whales to human beings, carry this substance in their bodies. Further research may permit scientists to create artificial angiogenesis factor in the laboratory. Angiogenesis factor, scientists say, would be of value to patients undergoing organ transplants and skin grafts b [单项选择]某水利枢纽工程主坝坝高97m,坝顶长1020m,坝型为沥青混凝土心墙堆石坝,水库库容为1.52亿m3。枢纽所在地的地震动峰值加速度为0.05g,按《水利水电工程地质勘察规范》(GB50487—2008)规定,该工程()。
A. 应进行专门的地震危险性分析 B. 应进行地震动参数复核 C. 应进行地震动参数确定 D. 可按现行《中国地震动参数区划图》(GB18306—2001)确定地震动参数 [单选题]集中区单机或推进车辆到达折返地点后,由司机向车站运转室(信号楼、驼峰信号楼)人员通报到达折返地点;牵引车辆到达折返地点后,由( )向车站运转室(信号楼、驼峰信号楼)人员通报到达折返地点;
A.司机 B.调车指挥人 C.领车人员 D.车站值班员 [判断题]{重症肺炎患儿发生腹胀,肠鸣音消失的原因是中毒性肠麻痹。}
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] It's __________ that he was wrong.
A. clearly B. clarity C. clear D. clearing [单选题]轮对在轨道上滚动时钢轨对轮对的切向反作用力称为( )。
A.制动力 B.摩擦力 C.制动压力 D.黏着力 [单选题]()是施工进度计划编制方法之一。
A.平面图. B.横道图. C.材料计划. D.质量控制 [单选题]疫苗接种常见的全身不良反应是()
A.红晕、浸润 B.疼痛、压痛 C.淋巴结肿大、淋巴腺炎 D.硬结 E.发热 [单项选择]Although there are body languages that can cross cultural boundaries, culture is still a significant factor in all body languages. This is particular true of personal space needs.
Donald Keene notes the fact that in the Japanese language there is no word for privacy. To the Japanese, privacy exists in terms of his house. He considers this area as his own ,and he dislikes invasions of it. Dr. Hall sees this as a reflection of the Japanese concept of space. Westerners, he believed, see space as the distance between objects; to them, space is empty. The Japanese, on the other hand, see space as having as much meaning as their flower arrangement and art. In public the Arabs are crowded together. In privacy, they prefer a great deal of space. The traditional or wealthy Arab house is large and empty, with family often crowded together in one small area of it. The Arabs do not like to be alone, and even in their spacious houses they will huddle together. The Arabs A. like a large house, so that each individual can have plenty of space B. dislike a large house, and only use a small area of it C. prefer a spacious house, although they will gather in one part of it so as not to be alone D. have houses similar to those of the Japanese [判断题]在Windows XP中所有应用程序的菜单项没有差别。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]亚甲蓝分光光度法测定阴离子表面活性剂的水样,如保存期为8d,需加入水样体积1%的甲醛饱和溶液。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]
某公司持有A、B、C三种股票构成的证券组合,它们目前的市价分别为12元/股、6元/股和4元/股,它们的β系数分别为2.0、1.0和0.5,它们在证券组合中所占的比例分别为50%、30%和20%,上年的股利分别为2元/股、1元/股和0.5元/股,预期持有A股票每年可获得稳定的股利,持有B、C股票每年获得的股利逐年增长率为5%,若目前的市场收益率为15%,无风险收益率为10%。 [判断题]填用信息工作任务单的工作,工作负责人应得到工作许可人的许可,并确认工作任务单所列的安全措施全部完成后,方可开始工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,26岁。农民,5天来发热、畏寒,1天来头痛,呕吐2次,于8月15入院,T39.6℃,球结膜充血,颈有抵抗,腹股沟淋巴结肿大,有压痛,腓肠肌有压痛,尿蛋白(++)最有助于诊断的检查为()
A. 肾功能检查 B. 做脑脊液细菌培养 C. 钩体显微镜凝集溶解试验 D. 出血热病毒抗体 E. 乙脑IgM抗体 [单项选择]实际工作中的产品成本,是指产品的生产成本、亦称()。
A. 理论成本 B. 实际成本 C. 理想成本 D. 制造成本 [判断题]采用乙炔切割或烧孔的钢轨,必须在24 h内更换。在更换前应派人昼夜监视,限速不超过25 km/h。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列各项收入应计入企业所得税应纳税所得额的有( )。
A. 中途转让对外投资的非现金资产取得的转让收入 B. 已确认为坏账又收回的应收账款 C. 股份制改造发生的资产评估增值 D. 在建工程的试运行收入 [名词解释]许可证制度
A.肿痛灼热者,为热 B.肢体酸痛、麻木者多湿 C.冷痛而热敷痛减者,为寒 D.疼痛按之加剧者,为瘀 E.疼痛游走不定者,为风 [简答题]列车在区间被迫停车可能防碍邻线后,司机如何处理?
[多选题]同轴度误差是测量被测轴线相对基准轴线位置之间发生了多大程度的偏离,两轴的偏离通常是( )。
A.被测轴线偏心 B.被测轴线弯曲 C.被测轴线倾斜 D.被测轴线偏移 E.基准轴线圆柱度 [多选题]电能计量装置包含以下哪些部分( )。
A.各种类型电能表 B.计量用电压互感器 C.计量用电流互感器 D.电能计量箱 我来回答: 提交