As the volcano erupts in Iceland, more
and more people are beginning to concern about the damage volcanic eruption
brings. Then, let us learn the influence of volcanic eruption
together. We all know that air pollution has an effect on the world’s average air temperature. Scientists declare that volcanic eruption leads to weather changes, which is similar to air pollution. How will volcanic eruption impact on weather Volcanic eruption throws hundreds of millions tons of ash into the stratosphere. The ash from a volcano spreads in a few days. However, this is not the end. The ash will remain in the air for years. Hereby, all the ash turns incoming solar radiation into space, which cools the earth. The eruption would affect every level of ecosystem, from worms to primates. The problem is not only the physical destruction A. limitation of human beings’ ability to disasters. B. damage of volcanic eruption to the environment. C. prospect of the volcano eruption’s administration. D. impact of volcanic eruption. [单项选择]EXHAUSTIVE:
A. wavering B. lively C. protected D. brawny E. incomprehensive [单选题]血液系统疾病患者容易发生出血的常见原因不包括
A.血小板数量减少 B.血小板功能异常 C.红细胞生成减少 D.血管壁通透性增加 E.凝血因子减少或缺乏 [单项选择]保险合同订立后,财产保险合同的投保人、被保险人应当遵守国家有关消防、安全、生产操作、劳动保护等方面的规定,维护保险标的的安全,()有权对保险标的的安全工作进行检查,经被保险人同意,可以对保险标的采取安全防范措施。
A. 要保人 B. 投保人 C. 受益人 D. 保险人 [判断题]重要空白凭证使用应坚持销号和核对制度,能实现系统销号的重要空白凭证,凭证使用人不需进行手工销号,通过专用交易销号的重要空白凭证,凭证使用人需进行手工销号。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]加强岗位安全生产责任制落实,强化现场作业人员安全知识与技能的培养和应用,上标准岗、干标准活,实现岗位作业流程( )。
A.自动化 B.标准化 C.信息化 D.智能化 [单选题]高处作业就是在高度在m及以上,有可能坠落的高处进行的作业。
A.1.5 B.2.0 C.2.5 D.3.0 E.lue [单项选择]It is a question ______ the book will be published this month or next month.
A. if B. whether C. that D. which [单选题]V 形停电作业,当中性区长度小于()m 时,中性区的停电设备在与接地设备等电位后可不接地线。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [判断题]旅客携带水银气压计作为行李运输时,需要得到运营人的批准
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 某银行工作人员甲利用收付存款的便利条件,将5000元假人民币换成真币。甲的行为构成( )。
A.盗窃罪 B.使用假币罪 C.金融工作人员以假币换取货币罪 D.职务侵占罪 [单选题]月盘点应对收费站仓库内所有 CPC 卡进行( )清点,并对散卡进行装箱。( )
A.逐张读卡 B.读卡 C.逐张装箱 [单选题]利随本清的,支取、归还时一次结计利息。计息天数采取()的办法,即存、贷款的当日起息,支取存款、归还贷款日止息。
A.算头不算尾 B.算尾不算头 C.算尾又算头 D.去头去尾 [简答题]简述教师的教育专业素养。
A. 地面受到强烈的日照 B. 受气温剧烈变化的影响 C. 地层断裂使地面水大量渗入 D. 受无机化学物质污染 E. 附近存在有地热 [单项选择]{{B}}Text 3{{/B}}