Kimiyuki Suda should be a perfect
customer for Japan’s car makers. He’s a young (34) , successful executive at an
internet-services company in Tokyo and has plenty of disposable income. He used
to own Toyota’s Hilux Surf, a sport utility vehicle. But now he uses mostly
subways and trains. "It’s not inconvenient at all," he says. Besides, "having a
car is so 20th century. " Suda reflects a worrisome trend in Japan; the automobile is losing its emotional appeal, particularly among the young, who prefer to spend their money on the latest electronic gadgets. While minicars and luxury foreign brands are still popular, everything in between is slipping. Last year sales fell 6.7 percent—7.6 percent if you don’t count the minicar market. There have been larger one-year drops in other nations: sales in Germany A. Japan: A Mobility Oriented Society. B. A Irreversible Trend in Japan. C. Japan: A Post-Car Society. D. The Gadget-Crazy Generation. [单项选择]银行可以根据客户对金融产品和服务的态度以及使用情况等对个人贷款市场进行细分,这所遵循的细分标准是()。
A. 人口因素 B. 心理因素 C. 行为因素 D. 利益因素 [单选题]()工作前要对工作班成员进行危险点告知、交代安全措施和技术措施,并确认每一个工作班成员都已知晓
A.工作票签发人 B.工作负责人 C.工作许可人 D.专责监护人 [简答题]在什么情况下,搜救行动终止和重新开始?
[单项选择]Why is there no risk to the customer when a hank prints the customer’s name to his cheques
When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money, repayment of which he may demand at any time, either in cash or by drawing a check in favor of another person. Primarily, the bank-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor who is which depending on whether the customer’s account is in credit or overdrawn. But, in addition to that basically simple concept, the bank and its customer owe a large number of obligations to one another. Many of these obligations can give rise to problems and complications but a bank customer, unlike, say, a buyer of goods, cannot complain that the law is loaded against him. The bank must obey its customer’s instructions, and not those of anyone else. When, for example, a customer first opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit (把……记入借方 ) his account only in respect of checks drawn by himself. He gives the ban A. must always be in credit B. can’t draw any money if you’re overdrawn C. can draw money without notice D. can’t pay money to anyone else [填空题]Memo
To: All Division Employees From: Thomas Sun Date: October 12, 2006 Subject: A meeting on workshop format As you know, six times a year the company conducts an orientation workshop for new employees. The purpose of these workshops is to acquaint new employees with the company: its organization, its executive personnel, its products, its objective, and its future. A meeting is scheduled for October 19 this year. I hope each of you will come prepared to suggest ways in which our division can be more interesting and productive. Please be prepared to suggest a new format for the workshops, including the arrangement of slide presentations. To: All Division Employees From: Thomas Sun Date: October 12, 2006 Subject: A meeting on (46) Purpose:. to acquaint new employees with the company’s organization, (47) , products, objective and future. Requirements: 1. An (48) for new employees is conducted six times a year. [单项选择]配制0.5%的过氧乙酸不需要()。
A. 20%过氧乙酸 B. 量筒 C. 水 D. 天平 [单项选择]开户行对农信银通兑业务进行账户限额管理,客户一天内累计异地取款金额不得超过()万元(含)。
A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 50 [单选题]如果RMP1 故障,机组如何调谐VHF1频率:
A.使用RMP2 B.用顶板音频开关:CAP3 [多选题]当事人逾期不履行行政处罚决定的,作出行政处罚决定的行政机关可以采
A.到期不缴纳罚款的,每日按罚款 数额的百分之三加处罚款 B.根据法律规定,将查封、扣押的 财物拍卖抵缴罚款 C.划拨当事人银行存款、汇款缴抵 罚款 D.申请人民法院强制执行 [单项选择]《华夏银行反洗钱工作保密管理办法》中保密措施规定,不得带涉密文件到与()的场所。
A. 工作有关 B. 工作无关 C. 密切相关 D. 相关连 [单选题]胎先露通过骨盆出口的径线
A.坐骨结节间径 B.出口后矢状径 C.入口横径 D.中骨盆前后径 E.真结合径 [简答题]教师道德义务确立的重要性体现在哪些方面?
A.参附汤 B.四逆汤 C.理中汤 D.附子理中汤 E.黄芪建中汤 [单项选择]运营列车站台错开门时,车站值班员(行车)通知站务员对哪里的乘客情况进行检查?()
A. 站台上 B. 车厢内 C. 站厅里 D. 出入口 [判断题]“劳模贷”根据借款人贷款用途、生产经营周期、资金回笼、还款能力等情况合理确定贷款期限,最长不得超过5年(含)。如贷款用途用于消费的,至贷款到期日不得超过其退休年龄。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]公司应急预案体系由()方案构成
A.总体应急预案 B.分项应急预案 C.专项应急预案 D.现场处置方案 [单选题]企业从业人员在安全生产方面有( )。
A. 获得报酬的权利 B. 休息休假的权利 C. 拒绝违章冒险作业的权利 D. 公费医疗的权利 [简答题]什么是自我意识,它包括哪几种成分?
A. 目前希望89%的总项目成本超过计划 B. 当项目完成时将会花费89%以上 C. 项目仅进展到计划的89% D. 对项目的每美元投资中只收回89美分 [单选题]查封、扣押的期限不得超过三十日,经行政机关负责人批准的,最长期限不得超过( )日。
A.A.40 B.B.45 C.C.60 D.D.90 [判断题]新拌水泥混凝土的坍落度随砂率的增大而减小。( )
A. 事务管理程序模块 B. 数据更新程序模块 C. 交互式程序查询模块 D. 查询处理程序模块 [单选题]使用单梯工作时,梯与地面的斜角度约为()。
A.60° B.40° C.30° D.45° [填空题]家畜环境卫生学的组成包括(),(),家畜的环境保护三部分。
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