Read and study seriously and be concerned about world affairs.
2. Keep quiet and pay attention to cleanness.
3. Do not talk or laugh loudly; do not smoke or eat, do not litter the floor with waste paper.
4. Spit only in the places designated.
5. Show your student card or identity card when borrowing hooks. Borrow only one book at a time.
6. Protect public property. Do not scribble on the pages of books or tear them out. Pay the cost price for any damage done.
7. Do not move the desks or chairs about. Close the windows when leaving.
8. Let the readers and librarians help each other and jointly run the reading room well.
More than a hundred years ago, before
the Civil War, a crew of cowboys stood outside a large horse corral, With them
was their boss Bradford Grimes, a cattleman, who owned a large South Texas ranch
near the Gulf of Mexico. Just then, Mrs. Grimes, the cattleman’s wife, came to the ranch house door and cried out, "Bradford! Bradford! Those Blacks are worth a thousand dollars apiece. One might get killed." The cowboys laughed, but they knew she was telling the truth. For they were all Black slaves. Bradford Grimes was their owner. Most of the first Black cowboys were slaves, brought by their masters from the old South. On the plantations in the South, the slaves cut cotton. On the ranches in Texas they had to learn a new trade—breaking horses and handling long-horns. Some were taught by Mexican vaqueros, some by Indiana who knew A. Because slaves are more interesting to talk about before the Civil War. B. Because there were more slaves than ever after the Civil War. C. Because there were no more slaves after the Civil War. D. Because there was no difference. [多选题]中队(站)队一日生活包括()
A.A、起床早操整理内务和洗漱 B.B、开饭操课午睡(午休) C.C、课外活动点名就寝 D.D、起床整理内务和自由活动 [单项选择]钻进过程中发生盐水侵后,当含盐量高侵入的不多时()。
A. 粘切上升 B. 粘切下降 C. 粘切不变 D. 无法判断 [单项选择]企业服务质量管理要比有形产品质量管理复杂得多,需要有一个强大的()管理系统来支持,以保证企业提供更好的服务质量。
A. 信息 B. 营销 C. 企业 D. 质量 [多选题]锚杆的锚固方式可分为( )。
A.端头锚固; B.加长锚固; C.全长锚固; D.分段锚固 [单项选择]个人或单位为谋取不正当利益,给予国家机关、国有公司、企业、事业单位、人民团体以财物,或者在经济往来中,违反国家规定,给予各种名义的回扣、手续费的行为,应判为( )。
A. 行贿罪 B. 向单位行贿罪 C. 介绍贿赂罪 D. 以上答案都不对 [单项选择]长时间用氧的患者吸氧时下列哪种做法不妥()
A. 宜用鼻塞法吸氧 B. 氧浓度为25%~29% C. 鼻塞用清水湿润 D. 先调节流量再插鼻塞 E. 停用时先关闭氧气开关 [单选题]下列关于公安机关办理行政案件中对检查的规定说法错误的是()
A.对公共场所进行日常监督检查,不需要开具检查证 B.对违法嫌疑人检查应当由至少一名与被检查人同性别的人民警察进行 C.依法对卖淫、嫖娼人员进行性病检查应当由医生进行 D.检查应当制作检查笔录 [单项选择]术后拆线时间错误的是()
A. 头面部4~5天 B. 下腹部5~6天 C. 会阴部6~7天 D. 上腹部7~9天 E. 四肢10~12天 我来回答: 提交