{{B}}FILM PREVIEWS{{/B}} In the Line of Fire After his Oscar success as an aging cowboy in Unforgotten, Clint Eastwood plays an aging secret-service man in this action movie. He is Frank Horrigan, a devoted citizen who has strong love for his country and who believes that he was responsible for the death of John F. Kennedy in 1963. When a madman, played by John Malkovich, says that he will kill the present President, Horrigan is given the chance to {{U}}redeem{{/U}} himself. Sleepless in Seattle A very interesting film from Nora Ephron, the writer-director of When Harry Met Sally. One Christmas, a little boy, who has just lost his mother, calls a national radio station to find a new wife for his dad, played by Tom Hanks. When a radio-reporter hears the program, she is sur A. is at his best when playing this kind of role B. likes the part of Mitch McDeere C. is a great American individual D. admires the spirit of American individualism [单项选择]不确定型决策可根据哪些准则进行方案的选择()
A. 中准则、均衡准则、折极端准则、等可能性准则 B. 折中准则、后悔准则、均衡准则、等可能性准则 C. 折中准则、后悔准则、极端准则、等可能性准则 D. 折中准则、后悔准则、极端准则、均衡准则 [单项选择]In William Shakespeare's King Lear, as the extent of Lear's folly becomes even clearer, he rages at his impotence and goes mad.
A. inability B. dilemma C. insecurity D. stupidity [单项选择]下列关于打桩顺序的叙述,不正确的是( )。
A. 由一端向另一端打 B. 先打浅桩,后打深桩 C. 密集群桩由中心向四边打 D. 先打坡顶,后打坡脚 [简答题]什么叫正线?
[判断题]内部欺诈事件是指故意骗取、盗用财产或违反监管规章、法律或公司政策导致的损失事件,此类事件至少涉及内部一方,包括歧视及差别待遇事件。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]人民警察制止违法犯罪行为,( ),可以依照《中华人民共和国人民警察使用警械和武器条例》的规定使用武器。
A.使用警械不能制止,或者不使用武器制止,可能发生严重危害后果的 B.使用警械不能制止,或者可能发生严重危害后果的 C.不使用武器制止,可能发生严重危害后果的 D.使用警械不能制止的 [判断题]智能运维安装调试中,开关拉出后可根据工作需要自行开启,并打开至适合工作位置
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )应当结合任务特点、人员素质、装备状况、物质条件、社会环境、气候变化等因素,依据已知信息对事故和自然灾害进行安全预测,及时发布预警信息。
A.、总队 B.、支队 C.、各级 D.、大队 [单选题]某安全检测中介机构在对某钢铁厂新安装的设备进行检测验收时,未按规定进行检验,便出具了检验验收报告,验收设备投入使用后不久因其存在的重大隐患引发事故,造成多人死亡。依据《安全生产法》的规定,安全监管部门对该安全检测机构除处以罚款、对相关责任者追究行政责任外,还应给予的行政处罚是()
A.吊销营业执照 B.责令停业整顿 C.撤销检测机构资格 D.撤销检测机构负责人资格 [简答题]长大下坡道线路如何规定的?
A. 近侧指间关节不能主动屈曲 B. 远侧指间关节不能主动屈曲 C. 掌指关节不能主动屈曲 D. 两个指间关节均不能主动屈曲 E. 两个指间关节和掌指关节均不能主动屈曲 [单项选择]______ he was an old customer, the boss allowed 5% discount off the prices of the goods.
A. Gave B. To give that C. Given that D. Giving that [判断题]使用钳型电流表时,应注意检查钳型电流表的电压等级。测量时戴手套,站在绝缘垫上,不得触及其他设备,以防短路或接地。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]贷款审查人员应当按照现行法律、法规、规章制度和业务管理办法,对抵押担保的()进行审查,审慎确定抵押物的担保额度。
A.真实性 B.合法性 C.有效性 D.可靠性 [单项选择]热继电器和过载脱扣器的整定电流应当可调,调整范围宜不小于其电流上限的()。
A. 30% B. 25% C. 20% D. 15% 我来回答: 提交