{{B}}El Nino{{/B}} While some forecasting methods had limited success predicting the 1997 El Nino a few months in advance, the Columbia University researchers say their method call predict large El Nino events up to two years in advance. That would be good news for governments, farmers and others seeking to plan for the droughts and heavy rainfall that El Nino can produce in various parts of the world. Using a computer the researchers matched sea-surface temperatures to later El Nino occurrences between 1980 and 2000 and were then able to anticipate El Nino events dating back to1857, using prior sea-surface temperatures. The results were reported in the latest issue of the journal Nature. [多选题]下列属于黄金T+D产品特点的有()。
A.交易时间灵活 B.保证金模式 C.无交割时间限制 D.操作成本高 E.交易多样化 [单选题]:债券投资应加强(),确保估值及时合理。
A.市场风险管理 B.法律合规风险管理 C.操作风险管理 D.流动性风险 [多选题]柜员登录电子档案系统应核对哪些要素
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[单项选择]Samuel: What a surprise! You have changed your car.
Diana: Yes, and another surprise. I'm going to get engaged with Jessic [简答题]简述作者的认定
A.重置价值 B.评估价 C.成本价 D.购置价或市场价 [单项选择]作为阿昔洛韦的前体药,从而解决了阿昔洛韦口服生物利用度低的是()
A. 泛昔洛韦 B. 喷昔洛韦 C. 伐昔洛韦 D. 阿糖腺苷 E. 更昔洛韦 [单选题] 孔隙率增大时,材料的( )降低。
A. 密度 B. 表观密度 C. 吸水性 D. 堆积密度 [多选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(铁总运〔2016〕247号)规定:新职人员具备高中()及以上文化程度。
A.职高 B.中专 C.高中 D.大专 [判断题]司法警察在来不及警告时,可以直接使用警械。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列各项中,只能用于投标报价编制,而通常不用于招标控制价编制的是( )。
A. 建设工程工程量清单计价规范 B. 建设工程设计文件及相关资料 C. 与建设项目相关的标准、规范、技术资料 D. 施工现场情况、工程特点及拟定的投标施工组织设计或施工方案 我来回答: 提交