{{B}}Questions 6~10 {{/B}} There has been much hullabaloo about corporate accounting scams in America, yet perhaps the biggest accounting oversight of all time remains hidden in governments’ own national figures. GDP per head is the most commonly used measure of a country’s success, yet it is badly flawed as a guide to a nation’s economic well-being. A new study in the OECD’s 2006 "Going for Growth" report considers some alternatives. Economists spend much time discussing how to boost GDP growth. The OECD itself drew attention this week to the widening gap between American’ s and Europe’s GDP per head. Yet a nation’s well-being depends on many factors ignored by GDP, such as leisure time, income inequality and the quality of the environment. GDP was developed primarily as a planning tool to guide the huge production effort of the Second World A. (A) GDP is not a reasonable indicator of well-being. B. (B) GDP is the best available indicator on a timely basis, so there is no need for any reform. C. (C) When other factors are included, GDP is not very reliable. D. (D) GDP needs to be complemented by other measures for better economic performance evaluation. [单项选择]交易参与人应当通过在证券交易所申请开设的()进行证券交易。
A. 交易席位 B. 交易单元 C. 交易业务单位 D. 普通席位 [单选题]《国家电网公司供电客户服务提供标准》:下列哪项不属于95598的服务方式?( )
A.客户自助 B.人工通话 C.书面留言 D.传真 [多选题]BCB002 4 2 3
关于硫化氢的中毒症状及危害,下列说法正确的有( )。 A.短时间接触少量的硫化氢即能引起死亡或永久性的损伤 B.在浓度为20ppm-150ppm时就会感到刺眼睛 C.在500ppm浓度下停留半小时,就会出现头疼怕光腹泻等症状 D.在800ppm -1000ppm浓度下停留半小时,就会引起死亡 [单项选择]国家行政机关向国内外宣布重大事件、重要事项用()
A. 法定性公告 B. 要事性公告 C. 政策性公告 D. 任免性公告 [单选题]某女性患者,咳嗽、左侧胸痛、气促3个月,诊断左侧大量胸腔积液。该患者多采取何种体位( )
A.自主体位 B.被动体位 C.强迫左侧卧位 D.端坐呼吸 E.强迫右侧卧位 [单选题]“ ” 型动车组辅助电源装置APU按安装在00、1、5号车。
A.CRH1A B.CRH380A统 C.CRH380B D.CRH5A [多选题]联苯热载体夹套的外管,应用( )进行压力试验。
A.联苯 B.水 C.氮气 D.压缩空气 [单项选择]某日,某基金管理公司接到中国证监会有关基金投资比例的违规警告,可能是因为( )。
A. 该公司的某只基金,在基金名称中显示投资方向,并且有15%的非现金基金资产不属于投资方向确定的内容 B. 该公司的某只基金持有一家上市公司的股票,其市值占该基金资产净值的15% C. 该公司管理的全部基金持有某一家公司发行的证券,总份额为该证券的6% D. 某只基金参与股票发行申购,所申报的金额为该基金总资产的30% 我来回答: 提交