An English-schoolboy would only ask his
friend: "Wassa time, then " To his teacher he would be much more likely to speak
in a more standardized accent and ask: "Excuse me, sir, may I have the correct
time please " People are generally aware that the phrases and expressions they
use are different from those of earlier generations; but they concede less that
their own behavior also varies according to the situation in which they find
themselves. Not only this, but in many cases, the way someone speak affects the response of the person to whom he is speaking in such a way that "modeling" is seen to occur. This is what Michael Argyle has called "response matching". Several studies have shown that the more one reveals about oneself in ordinary conversation, and the more intimate these details are, the more personal secret A. are trying to be accepted by others without even knowing it B. have a strong demand for balance when they are speaking C. always have an instinct to imitate the people they are talking to D. themselves want to know each other well [单选题]容量在315千伏安及以上的工业用户,其电费由( )组成。
A.电度电费+功率因数调整电费+基本电费 B.电度电费+基本电费 C.电度电费+功率因数调整电费+损耗电费 D.电度电费+损耗电费+基本电费 [单项选择]( )是总体阐述组织质量管理体系的范围、结构,规定影响质量的管理、执行、验证或评审工作人员的职责、权限和相互关系,是编制质量管理其他文件的依据,也是组织内外部对质量体系进行审核的依据。
A. 程序文件 B. 作业指导书 C. 业务管理办法 D. 质量手册 [判断题]新建发、变、配电等电力设备,应经过试验后才能正式运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据中国保监会《关于防范车险理赔环节风险的通知》(保监发[2009]90号),各财产保险公司自2009年11月1日起在防范车险理赔环节风险方面必须达到以下几项要求()。
A. 对凡由修理单位等机构或个人代被保险人报案的须向被保险人核实 B. 对除被保险人、道路交通事故受害人等符合法律法规规定的单位和人员以外的其他单位或人员代领赔款,须要求其提供授权书原件 C. 对于向个人被保险人支付赔款超过一定金额的须通过非现金方式支付 D. 赔款支付后15个工作日内须对客户进行理赔服务回访 [多项选择]下列有关经济业务应确认为预计负债的表述中,正确的有()。
A. 待执行合同变成亏损合同的,该亏损合同产生的义务满足预计负债确认条件的,应当确认为预计负债 B. 待执行合同变成亏损合同时,企业拥有合同标的资产的,应当先对标的资产进行减值测试并按规定确认减值损失,如预计亏损超过该减值损失,应将超过部分仍然确认为减值损失 C. 企业承担的重组义务满足或有事项相关义务以及预计负债确认规定的,应当确认为预计负债 D. 企业应当按照与重组业务有关的直接支出确定预计负债金额 E. 企业应当根据职工薪酬和或有事项准则,严格按照辞退计划条款的规定,合理预计并确认辞退福利产生的负债,并通过“预计负债”科目核算 [单选题]防雷接地的避雷针、接地线和接地体必须焊接.焊缝长度应为圆钢直径的6倍.扁钢( )的2倍。
A.厚度 B.宽度 C.长度 D.搭接长度 [判断题]分离器量油完毕立即关闭平衡阀门,慢开出油阀门,待油放出后,先关液位计下流阀门,再关液位计上流阀门。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]五秀重明丸功效与作用
[单项选择]分部分项工程量清单应包括( )。
A. 工程量清单表和工程量清单说明 B. 项目编码、项目名称、计量单位和工程数量 C. 工程量清单表、措施项目一览表和其他项目清单 D. 项目名称、项目特征、工程内容等 [单项选择]
Attempts to understand the relationship between social behavior and health have their origin in history. Dubos (1969) suggested that primitive humans were closer to the animals (1) they, too, relied upon their instincts to stay healthy. Yet some primitive humans (2) a cause and effect relationship between doing certain things and alleviating (3) of a disease or (4) the condition of a wound. (5) there was so much that primitive humans did not (6) the functioning of the body, magic became an integral component of the beliefs about the causes and cures of heath (7) . Therefore it is not (8) that early humans thought that illness was caused (9) evil spirit. Primitive medicines made from vegetables or animals were invariably used in combination with some form of ritual to (10) harmful spirit from a diseased body. [判断题]一般情况下,资产负债表中“固定资产”和“固定基金”两个项目的数字应该相等,但存在融资租入固定资产的情况下,在尚未付清租赁费时,这两个项目的数字不相等。( )
[单项选择]按的操作要点是,用力要均匀,一般多用( )。
A. 擀面杖 B. 食指 C. 走棰 D. 手掌根 [多选题]正压式空气呼吸器的具体检查内容有以下几个方面:( )。
A.整体外观检查 B.测试气瓶的气体压力 C.连接管路的密封性测试 D.报警器的灵敏度测试 [简答题]什么叫热应力?
[单选题]在电气化区段作业,使用发电机、空压机、搅拌机等机电设备时,应有良好的( )。
A. 绝缘装置 B. 接地装置 C. 保护措施 D. 安全措施 我来回答: 提交