Shopping has become a private affair.
Obvious consumption does not look good during a depression, which explains why
so many of us are accepting e-commerce. Online Shopping on these shores is
projected to grow from sales of £ 8.9bn to around £ 21.3bn by the end of
2,011. Often people proclaim they’ve accepted e-commerce because it’s "green". This is understandable. If many shopping bags in a depression looks bad, bricks and mortar retail -- huge out-of-town shopping centres, retail shopping center that insist on leaving their doors open even in winter and grocery stores full of the most inefficient freezers -- look terrible during an ecological emergency. Should we buy the idea that e-commerce is any better Several studies have tried to answer this with cold, hard data. A 2,000 study on Webvan, a now disappearing A. with the real products without supply chain. B. with long supply chain. C. with the price of the products. D. with value of the products. [单项选择]女性,21岁。鼻出血、牙龈出血、皮肤瘀斑3d。查体:体温38.3℃,皮肤大片瘀斑,胸骨压痛,血常规白细胞2.0×109/L,血红蛋白80g/L,血小板5×109/L。
如果骨髓提示以早幼粒为主,且占85%,染色体为t(15;17)(q22;q21)则应诊断为 A. ANLL-M2 B. ANLL-M3 C. ANLL-M4 D. ANLL-M5 E. CML [单选题]损耗合计P70对等店是指,一组对等店按照损耗合计百分比由高到低排序,分位序对应的实际值
A.30% B.70% C.0% D.100% [单项选择]癌症疼痛评估的原则及步骤()。
A. 相信病人的主诉 B. 全面询问疼痛及相关病史 C. 注意病人状态,分析有关心理-社会因素 D. 仔细体格检查 E. 以上都正确 [单项选择]有一位女作家虽然加入了文学研究会,但她作品的艺术气质却接近创造社,强调主观与个性。这位女作家是()。
A. 冰心 B. 冯沅君 C. 庐隐 D. 陈衡哲 [单选题]道岔计划维修作业验收标准规定,护轨螺栓松动扣( )分/个。
A.2 B.4 C.16 D.41 [判断题]临时存款账户有效期限和展期期限合计最长不得超过2 年。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]SD187-86导则规定:配制气相色谱用的标准气时,应检验配气装置及操作方法的重复性,要求配气结果的重复性在平均值的±()%以内。
A. 1.5 B. 2.5 C. 3.5 [单项选择]
A. 线路故障 B. 路由故障 C. 域名解析故障 D. 服务器网卡故障 [多选题]面试问题通常用来( )。
A.了解应聘者的求职动机 B.了解应聘者对应聘岗位的认知程度及其态度 C.了解应聘者的管理风格及行为倾向 D.了解应聘者在困境中是否能够冷静地处理问题 E.了解应聘者现场解决棘手问题的经验及处理冲突的能力 我来回答: 提交