The Republican Party has lost its mind. To win elections, a party needs votes, obviously, and constituencies. First, however, it needs ideas. In 1994--95, the Republican Party had after long struggle advanced a coherent, compelling set of political ideas expressed in a specific legislative agenda. The political story of 1996 is that this same party, within the space of six weeks, then became totally, shockingly intellectually deranged.
Then, astonishingly, on the very moment of their philosophical victory, just as the Republicans prepared to carry these ideas into battle in November, came cannon fire from the rear. Pat Buchanan first came out to declare a general insurrection. The enemy, according to Buchanan, is not the welfare state. It is that conservative icon, capitalism, with its ruthless captains of industry, greedy financiers and political elites (Republicans included, of course). All three groups collaborate to let foreigners--immigrants, traders, parasiti
A. "zeal."
B. "hypocrisy."
C. "craze."
D. "bewildering."
Dick was a twenty-year-old man. His father was a
teacher and taught chemistry in a middle school and his mother worked in a shop.
They lived a happy life until his parents died one night when suddenly an
earthquake broke out. Luckily his sister took him to see their aunt in the city
and they did not stay at home. Everything was destroyed in the earthquake and
the two children got into trouble. Thanks to their aunt who was not rich enough,
they grew up but they lived a hard life. His sister was so sad that she became a
nun (修女). After he finished middle school, he was introduced to an owner of a
hotel and began to work there. One day the young man fell to the ground while he was cleaning a window on the second floor. He was sent to hospital and the doctor l [单选题]既有铁路尚未划定铁路线路安全保护区的,应当自收到方案之日起( )日内划定并公告。
A.20 B.25 C.30 D.35 [单选题]关于企业政策性搬迁相关资产计税成本的确定,下列说法正确的是()。
A.企业搬迁过程中外购的固定资产,以购买价款和支付的相关税费作为计税成本 B.企业搬迁中被征用的土地,采取土地置换的,以换入土地的评估价值作为计税成本 C.企业简单安装即可继续使用的搬迁资产,以该项资产净值与安装费用合计数作为计税成本 D.企业需要大修理才能重新使用的搬迁资产,以该资产净值与大修理支出合计数作为计税成本 [简答题]磨浮分离的原理?
[多选题]以下哪些作用等级的环境为严重腐蚀环境( )。【TB 10005-2010第4.3.7条】
A.L2 B.L3 C.M1 D.M3 E.Y4 [单项选择]从经济性考虑,只要能满足使用要求时应优先选()轴承
A. 圆柱滚子 B. 球 C. 球面滚子 D. 滚针 [多项选择]听证报告包括( )等内容。
A. 听证会的基本情况 B. 听证会参加人对定价听证方案的意见 C. 听证人对听证会参加人意见的处理建议 D. 听证人员的费用 E. 对听证事项的最终决定意见 [判断题]下级接到越级下达的命令,因故不能及时报告的,过后可以不再上报。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]使用谷物冷却机冷却通风结束后,应立即拆除风管,关闭进风口、门窗、排气口,及时做好防潮、隔热和()处理。
A. 通风 B. 熏蒸 C. 测温 D. 密闭 [单项选择]MR脑波谱成像技术的适应证不包括()
A. 颅内肿瘤 B. 良恶性肿瘤的分级 C. 颈髓、脑的损伤 D. 意识障碍各期 E. 癫痫 [单选题]ZD6-J型电动转辙机的工作电流不大于()
A.A、0.8A B.B、1.8A C.C、2.0A D.D、2.2A [判断题]证券自营业务和受托投资管理业务的主要风险相同。( )
[判断题]邻线(线间距小于6.5m)来车下道规定,本线封锁时,邻线vmax≤120km/h时,本线可不下道。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]安全带、安全绳应挂在牢固的物体上并拴绑牢固,安全桩应一桩一绳。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不属于枝干伤口消毒药剂的是()。
A. 2%-5%硫酸铜液 B. 0.1%的升汞溶液 C. 石硫合剂原液 D. 黏土 [判断题]期货交易所的所得收益按照国家有关规定管理和使用,但应当首先用于保证期货交易场所、设施的运行和改善。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]在离子交换除盐处理中,阳离子交换的选择顺序规律是什么?
[判断题]对所属装备,干部要熟悉基本性能、熟悉数质量情况;操作人员要会操作使用、会检查;修理人员还要会检测、会调试。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] International travellers today are eager to grab an opportunity to taste local foods, and Korea offers a rich variety of delights.
Yet finding reliable information on Korean food is no easy task for foreigners. Restaurants serving Korean food are seldom equipped with menus printed in English or other foreign languages. And even when foreign language menus are available, restaurants tend to use different expressions for the same dish, thus creating unnecessary confusion.
This guide, consisting of over 800 terms for traditional and modern Korean foods in English and French, has been compiled primarily to help Koreans who would like to dine on Korean food at restaurants or at home, and provide an explanation of Korean cuisine to foreigners. We are hopeful that this guide will help Korean restaurateurs in and out of Korea to prepare menus in a more standardized and appealing manner.
There is another purpose to this guide: to help foreigners understand Korea’’s food cultu
A. Because the foreigners are not used to the taste of the Korean food. B. Because the equipments in the Korean restaurant are too disappointing. C. Because the waiters in the Korean restaurant are too eager to recommend the dishes. D. Because the names of the Korean food are usually not translated into foreign languages on the menu or there are different translations for the same dish. [单选题]组织在实现目标的过程中最重要的是( )
A. 让客户满意 B. 让员工满意 C.让领导满意 D.让股东满意 我来回答: 提交