{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} |
Anne Heche has proven herself an
exceptional actress in film, television and stage. Her talents have earned her
critical praise as well as both Tony and Emmy Award nominations. Heche earned her first prime time (黄金时段) Emmy Award nomination for her portrayal of a drug-addicted mother in the 2004 Lifetime Television original movie, Gracie’s Choice, alongside Diane Ladd. She recently appeared in the Lifetime movie Fatal Desire and the Hallmark Channel’s holiday movie, Silver Bells, on CBS, which was seen by over 16 million viewers. She has created memorable characters in several guest-starring performances on hit shows including Nip/Tuck, Everwood, Ally McBeal and HBO’s telefilm If These Walls Could Talk, directed by Chef. On the big screen Heche was last seen opposite Nicole Kidman and Lauren Bacall in New Line Cin A. living B. missing C. dead D. sick [判断题]电力用油(变压器油和汽轮机油)的馏分,属于润滑油馏分的范围内。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]《铁路安全管理条例》中规定,任何单位或者个人不得实施哪些危害铁路运输安全的行为?
[单项选择]因重大误解而订立的合同,当事人一方有权( )。
A. 请求人民法院撤销 B. 请求人民法院确认无效 C. 解除合同 D. 变更合同 [判断题]高危行业生产经营单位未设置车间(工段、区、队)的,车间(工段、区、队)级的安全培训应当纳入厂(矿)级安全培训;未设置班组的,班组级的安全培训纳入车间(工段、区、队)级安全培训。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某男,36岁,颈旁结块1周,红肿热痛,恶寒发热,头痛,口干,咽痛,舌红苔薄黄,脉浮数。诊断颈痈,治宜
A. 清热解毒,消肿止痛 B. 散风清热,化痰消肿 C. 清热凉血,解毒止痛 D. 活血凉血止痛 E. 清热通腑,消肿止痛 [单选题]银行审核支票的付款依据是支票出票人的( )。
A.电话号码 B.身份证 C.预留银行印鉴 D.支票存根 [判断题]使用矿渣水泥、用水量大和混凝土振捣时间过长都会造成混凝土离析。
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