Industrial (21) does not just happen. Companies (22) low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard to organize them, and (23) working to keep them (24) and active. When the work is (25) done, a (26) of accident-free operations (27) established (28) time lost due to injuries is kept (29) a minimum.
Successful safety programs may (30) greatly in the emphasis placed (31) certain aspects of the program. Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work practices by (32) rules or (33) . (34) others depend on an emotional appeal (35) the worker. But, there are certain basic ideas that must be used in every program if maximum results are to be obtained.
There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financial standpoint alone, safety (36) . The (37) the injury (38) , the better the workman&r
A. an advantage
B. a benefit
C. an interest
D. a profit
I came across an old country guide the
other day. It listed all the tradesmen in each village in my part of the
country, and it was impressive to see the great variety of services which were
available on one’s own doorstep in the late Victorian countryside. Nowadays a superficial traveler in rural England might conclude that the only village tradesmen still flourishing were either selling frozen food to the inhabitants or selling antiques to visitors. Nevertheless, this would really be a false impression. Admittedly there has been a contraction of village commerce, but its vigor is still remarkable. Our local grocer’s shop, for example, is actually expanding in spite of the competition from supermarkets in the nearest town. Women sensibly prefer to go there and exchange the local news while doing their shopping, instead of queuei A. there is a wide range of goods available. B. goods not in stock can be especially obtained for the old. C. special attention is given to the needs of wealthier customers. D. goods are always restocked before they run out. [判断题]线路检修需要线路刀闸及线路高抗高压侧刀闸拉开,线路PT或CVT低压侧断开,并在线路出线端合上接地刀闸(或挂好接地线)。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]入党介绍人在支部大会表决被介绍人能否入党时,可以投弃权票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于活塞杆填料函内的密封环,下列各项错误的是________.(263.667.:第02.-02.章 柴油机主要部件及检修)
A.通常为铸铁环 B.每道环一般由三段组成 C.三段环按序号安装 D.环外侧用专用弹簧箍紧 [判断题]HXN3型内燃机车柴油机的两侧有与柴油机长度相等的增压器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列各项中,属于资源税征收范围的是( )。
A. 人造石油 B. 煤矿生产的天然气 C. 洗煤、选煤 D. 液体盐 [单选题]除动车组以外的其他旅客列车晚点( )分钟及以上时,应公告旅客。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.30 [单选题]球队的主要队员的平均薪水很高,因为他们代表了这一职业的精华,是每年这一国家成千上万球员中最好的。他们的薪水不能与一般的商人、医生或律师相比,必须与商业巨头、最好的外科医生和主要的律师事务所的合伙人相比。作者要说明的观点是( )。
A.主要队员所需的技术与高薪水的商人、医生和律师所需的相同 B.在市场经济中,任何货物或服务所应付的价格都是由市场供求关系决定的 C.与其他高技术的职业相比,主要队员的薪水并不过分高 D.寻求最大报酬的主要队员与商人、医生、律师有着同样的经济上的动机 [判断题]禁止与工作班成员在起重工作区域内行走或停留。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The central points in Kathryn Harrison's works doesn't include _____ narcissism, family violation, sexual taboo and physical suffering.
A. excessive love of oneself. B. forbidden sexual relationships C. sexual abuse D. rapes happening in family [判断题]作业人员应在接地线的保护范围内作业。禁止在无接地线或接地线装设不齐全的情况下进行高压检修作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]新建、改建高速铁路需要与普通铁路、道路、渡槽、管线等设施交叉的,应优先选择高速铁路上跨方案。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]嫉妒仅仅是一种心理活动,无所谓积极与消极。
[判断题]材料切削加工性是通过采用材料的硬度、抗拉强度、伸长率、冲击值、热导率等进行综合评定的。( )
A. 双方是陌生人 B. 双方是熟人 C. 双方地位有差别 D. 双方都有独立人格 E. 双方构成供求关系 [单选题]石油馏分的实分子平均沸点可借助( )与蒸馏曲线斜率由图查得。
A.质量平均沸点 B.体积平均沸点 C.立方平均沸点 D.中平均沸点 [多项选择]阴虚火旺型郁证若同时出现腰酸,遗精乏力者,可加哪几味药()
A. 龟板 B. 知母 C. 杜仲 D. 牡蛎 E. 枣仁 [单选题] 在通路状态下,根据负荷的大小,分为()情况。
A.满负荷、过负荷二种 B.满负荷、轻负荷二种 C.满负荷、轻负荷、过负荷三种 D.满负荷、轻负荷、过负荷、无负荷四种 [单项选择]※ [3~6] .(3 )
A. . . B. . . C. . . D. . . [单选题]变更接线或校验结束时,应首先断开校验电源、放电,并将升压设备的高压部分()。
A.A.放电 B.B.短路接地 C.C.放电、短路 D.D.放电、短路接地 [单选题]滴定分析中,用重铬酸钾为标准溶液测定铁,属于( ).
A.酸碱滴定法 B.配位滴定法 C. 氧化还原滴定法 D.沉淀滴定法 [单选题]《中铁建工集团山东有限公司市政工程管理办法》中规定租赁民宅作为生活区时,必须在消防、临电方案中明确民宅位置、消防布置图、临电管控措施,并报公司 审批。( )
A.安全环保部 B.工程管理部 C.技术中心 D.物资机械部 [单选题]左锁骨下动脉起自
A.主动脉弓 B.肺动脉 C.椎动脉 D.头臂干 E.右心室 [判断题]除足额质押或经联社(总行)审批同意外,乡村居民建房贷款原则上借款人在贷款到期时不得超过60周岁。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交