Questions 178-180 refer to the
following letter. WALTERS CORPORATION 3255 Trenton Avenue, Columbus, OH 43216 November 20, 20__ Mr. Alan Porter 2870 Kennewick Drive Bloomington, IN 42777 Dear Mr. Porter, We were pleased to receive your letter and r6sum6 inquiring about the vacant position which we announced in the Journal of Engineering and Business last month. Unfortunately, your letter arrived on my desk several days after the closing date of November 1. We received an overwhelming response to our job announcement. There were over 25 applications from qualified accountants. Although you appear to be well qualified for the position we announced, I am sorry to inform you that we have already hired another applicant. However A. (A) To ask for a job B. (B) To reject someone who wanted a job C. (C) To ask for references D. (D) To learn about the Walters Corporation [判断题]在应填用电力通信工作票的范围内进行通信故障紧急抢修时,填用电力通信工作票,电力通信工作票可不经书面签发,但应经工作许可人同意,并在工作票备注栏中记录。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]在下列横线处填入适当码序,组成基本码序列。 L5 →( ) →L3→L2 →L→( )→ U →HU→H
[单项选择]储存空问的有效利用是提高仓库经济效益的重要内容。影响储存空间的因素很多,而其中仓储的作业方法及作业环境是属于( )的影响。
A. 设备凶素 B. 货物因素 C. 作业因素 D. 人为因素 [多选题]在带电杆塔上进行()、清除杆塔上异物等工作,作业人员活动范围及其所携带的工具、材料等与带电导线最小距离不得小于表3-1的规定。若不能保持表3-1要求的距离时,应按照带电作业或停电进行。
A.测量 B.防腐 C.巡视检查 D.紧杆塔螺栓 [单选题]站用交流电源柜同一ATS(备自投切换装置)的两路输入应取自( )的站用变压器。
A.上级 B.相同 C.不同 D.同一 [多选题]难以胜任领导的品质可以归结为:()
A.玩弄权术 B.骄傲自大 C.授权下属 D.独断专行 E.吹毛求疵 [单项选择]{{B}}Passage 3{{/B}}