Networks can be interconnected by different devices. In the physical layer, networks can be connected by (11) or hubs, which just move the bits from one network to an identical network. One layer up we find bridges and switches, which operate at data link layer. They can accept (12) ,examine the MAC address, and forward the frames to a different network while doing minor protocol translation in the process. In the network layer, we have routers that can connect two networks. If two networks have (13) network layer, the router may be able to translate between the packer formats. In the transport layer we find transport gateway, which can interface between two transport connections. Finally, in the application layer, application gateways translate message (14) . As an example, gateways between Internet e-mail and X.400 e-mail must (15) the e-mail message and change various header fields.
12() It had been a tiring day and I was
looking forward to a quiet evening. My husband would not be back until
(41) and I had decided to settle down in a comfortable chair in
the living room and read a good book. I (42) the children to
bed early and (43) a sandwich and a cup of coffee. Soon I
was (44) comfortably with my book in front of me and the
sandwich and cup of coffee (45) a tray beside me. I was just beginning to eat (46) the telephone rang. I dropped my book and hurried to answer it. (47) the time I got back to the living room, my coffee was cold. I ate the sandwich and began sipping(呷) (48) coffee with the book still open (49) the first page. Suddenly there was a loud knock (50) the front door. It startled me so (51) that I (52) some coffee on my skirt. T A. late B. later C. lately D. latest [单项选择]视图设计器中包括的选项卡有( )。
A. 连接、显示、排序依据 B. 更新条件、排序依据、显示 C. 显示、排序依据、分组依据 D. 更新条件、筛选、字段 [单项选择]The litter on a ship must be able to().
A. carry at least two injured persons B. float for at least two hours C. be used on the types of helicopters serving the unit D. All of the above [多选题] ( )易燃易爆危险品,必须执行消防技术标准和管理规定。
A. 生产、储存 B. 运输、销售 C. 购买、使用 D. 使用、销毁 [单选题]嘠SAM中,以下哪种拓扑图MAP是看不到的?
A.PhysicalMAP B.Routing MAP C.Service MAP D.EPS MAP [单选题]色素沉着最有效的波段为
A.254nm的短波>297nm的中波>340nm的长波 B.297mn的中波>340nm的长波>254nm的短波 C.340nm的长波>254nm的短波>297nm的中波 D.340nm的紫外线,小于阈红斑量即可引起色素沉着 E.254nm、297nm的紫外线,必须达到阈红斑量方可引起色素沉着 [单选题]SDH是( )光纤通信系统。
A.异步 B.同步 C.主从同步 D.非同步 [单选题]某房地产开发公司新开发的写字楼销售增值额为2200万元,按土地增值税相关规定准 予扣除项目金额为1200万元,则其应纳土地增值税适用税率为( )。
A.0 B.20% C.30% D.50% [填空题]金属氧化物避雷器在持续工作电压下仅流过( )的泄漏电流,动作后无续流,实现无间隙。
A.等额本金 B.等额本息,可随借随还 C.到期一次性还本付息 D.一年内先息后本,一年以上等额本息 [判断题]“货币政策”这一术语是指,政府支付更多货币来购买更多产品和服务。
A. 哭闹 B. 拒乳 C. 黄疸 D. 偏食 E. 便血 [单选题]ICD文件名不应包含( )
A.装置型号(含保护“选配功能”代码) B.ICD文件版本号 C.ICD文件校验码 D.厂商编码 [单项选择]根据《劳动法》的规定,每月延长工作时间累计不超过( )h。
A. 45 B. 36 C. 35 D. 30 [单选题]下列除哪项外,均为胃阴不足型呕吐的主症
A.舌红少津脉细 B.嗳气吞酸 C.呕吐反复,时作干呕 D.口干咽燥 E.似饥而不欲食 我来回答: 提交