For centuries, the nature of the brain was shrouded in mystery. Aristotle is said to have 1 it was a cold sponge, whose main task was to 2 the blood. Later, Leonardo da Vinci 3 the brain as a curious void filled by three tiny bulbous structures 4 in a straight line 5 the eyeball. Not all early theories were quite so misguided, 6 . From the first studies 7 language deficits, it was 8 that the brain played some direct part in language use. In 1836, an 9 French country doctor, Max Dax, claimed that, in forty aphasic (患失语症的) patients he had seen, 10 of language ability always 11 with damage to the left half of the brain. Thirty years later, this claim was 12 proved by the French surgeon Paul Broca. He had studied aphasic 13 in patients who were found to have brain damage 14 the left frontal lobe. Broca was struck by the contrast with right hemisphere damage, 15 seemed to have little effect on speech. The area Broca isolated and the aphasia associated with it now 16 his name, "
In January 2002, during the first weeks
of a six-month stay at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for leukemia
(白血病) treatment, Michael wandered over to his hospital window in search of
relaxation. The{{U}} (36) {{/U}}first-grade Watched a construction
crew{{U}} (37) {{/U}}on a 10-story addition to the hospital.{{U}}
(38) {{/U}}Michael’s third-floor window, Ritchie, an iron-worker from
the East Falls section of Philadelphia,{{U}} (39) {{/U}}and saw "this
kid with no hair{{U}} (40) {{/U}}face was pressed up to the window. I
waved, and he smiled and{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. I’ll never forget that," says
Ritchie, a father of three. As winter{{U}} (42) {{/U}}spring, Michael watched, fascinated (着迷), as 3 000 tons of steel{{U}} (43) {{/U}}formed the skeleton of the building. A. differently B. happily C. sadly D. excitedly [单项选择]企业应加强排土场管理,圈定(),并设立警戒标志,安排专人看护。排土场作业区或排土场危险区不得有捡矿石、捡石材和其他活动。
A. 危险范围 B. 开采范围 C. 排土范围 [判断题]稍息过久,不可以自行换脚。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]超高吊装作业可以不设旁站监护人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]防护图中“A”为不同线路速度等级的列车紧急制动距离,有允许速度120km/h货物列车运行的线路,A不得小于( )。
A.800m B.1100m C.1400m D.2000m [单选题]当系统发生不对称短路时,会发生( )。
A.操作过电压 B.反击过电压 C.谐振过电压 D.工频过电压 [判断题]开启高压电缆分支箱(室)门应两人进行,接触电缆设备前应验明确无电压并接地。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在终端售后服务规范中,各服务渠道受理客户终端服务需求后应遵循哪个原则严格处理()
A. 灵活引导的原则 B. 首问负责,准确录单原则 C. 就近引导原则 D. 优先公司网点原则 [多项选择]固定资产核算系统的初始设置内容主要包括( )。
A. 资产使用状况设置 B. 资产保管状态设置 C. 资产购置计划设置 D. 资产增减方式设置 E. 资产折旧科目设置 F. 资产折旧方法设置 我来回答: 提交