Only three strategies are available for
controlling cancer, prevention, screening and treatment. Lung cancer causes more
deaths than any other type of cancer. A major cause of the disease is{{U}}
(51) {{/U}}known; there is no good evidence that screening is of much
help; and treatment fails in about 90 per cent of all cases. At present,
therefore, the main strategy must be{{U}} (52) {{/U}}. This may not
always be true, of course, as for some other types Of cancer, research{{U}}
(53) {{/U}}the past few decades has produced (or suggested) some
important progress in prevention, screening or treatment.{{U}} (54)
{{/U}}, however, we consider not what research may one day offer but what
today’s knowledge could already deliver that is not being delivered, then the
most practicable and cost- A. if B. unless C. provided D. while [简答题]教育平等的含义.
A.多留底煤 B.少留底煤 C.硬化地坪 D.底板预卸压 [单项选择]
A. 急性胃肠炎 B. 上消化道大出血 C. 机械性幽门梗阻 D. 完全性低位小肠梗阻 E. 闭襻性结肠梗阻 [判断题]列车清洗机预湿装置用于降低列车表面温度。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《山东农村商业银行“信e贷”客户信息采集标准》规定,借款人及家庭成员工作情况:根据实际情况在( )当中选择。
A.很好 B. 较好 C. 一般 D.较差 [单项选择]A fascinating new study reveals that Americans are more likely to call their children “intelligent,” while European parents focus on happiness and balance.
Here’s what one parent had to say about the intelligence of her 3-year-old, which was apparent to her from the very first moments of her life:
“I have this vivid memory, when she was born, of them taking her to clean her off… And she was looking all around… She was alert from the very first second… I took her out when she was six weeks old to a shopping mall to have her picture taken- people would stop me and say, “What an alert baby.” One guy stopped me and said, “Lady, she was an intelligent baby. ”
Not only are Americans far more likely to focus on their children’s intelligence and cognitive skills, they are also far less likely to describe them as “happen” or “easy” children to parent.
“The U.S ‘s unhealthy interest in cognitive development in the early years overlooks so much else,” the researchers
A. bringing up one’s children B. describing one’s children C. social contests D. choosing a place to live in [简答题]抢修机构的保驾能力考核将纳入所属企业绩效管理。对于考核不合格的抢修机构,资产完整性管理本部将进行通报并要求所属企业加强管理,连续----次考核不合格的抢修机构可在油气储运设施抢修体系建设规划中降级、调整或撤销。
一次|----|三次|四次 [单选题]下列各项业务中,应通过“其他应付款”科目核算的是:
A.取得银行贷款 B.开出并承兑商业汇票 C.收到购货单位的预付款 D.收到出借包装物的押金 [单选题]司机发现路票上有以下()情况时,应立即停车,并将事由报告车站值班员(列车调度员)。车站值班员(列车调度员)接到报告后,应立即停止向该区间放行列车。
A.车次错误或漏填 B.占用的区间不符 C.漏填电话记录号码 D.以上都是 [单选题]该患者造血干细胞移植术后发生高热,行物理降温不能用()
A.冰枕 B.降温床 C.酒精 D.温水 我来回答: 提交