Whenever I hear a weather report
declaring it’s the hottest June l0 on record or whatever, I can’t take it too
seriously, because "ever" really means "as long as the records go back", which
is only as far as the late 1800s. Scientists have other ways of measuring
temperatures before that, though--not for individual dates, but they can ten the
average temperature of a given year by such proxy measurements as growth marks
in corals, deposits in ocean and lake sediments, and cores drilled into glacial
ice. They can even use drawings of glaciers as there were hundreds of years ago
compared with today. And in the most comprehensive compilation of such data to date, says a new report from the National Research Council, it looks pretty certain that the last few decades have been hotter than any comparable period in the last 400 years. That’s a blow to those who A. The’ earth will become warmer. B. It is somewhat suspicious of Michael Mann’s assertion. C. The earth reaches the highest temperature in the history. D. The proxy measurements are reliable. [单项选择]阿胶的原料是()
A. 猪皮 B. 牛皮 C. 羊皮 D. 驴皮 E. 马皮 [填空题]其它探头以DAC定量曲线为判废线,DAC-6dB为<--NRC-->。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]培训课程的实施是达到预期的()的基本途径
A.课程目标 B.培训目标 C.课程计划 D.培训计划 [单项选择]关于项目范围定义的说法错误的是()。
A. 项目范围定义是把项目产出物进一步分解为更小的组成部分 B. 项目范围定义是把项目产出物进一步分解为更便于管理的组成部分 C. 项目范围定义明确界定了项目产出物和项目可交付成果 D. 项目范围定义导致了项目风险 [单选题]用于()电压等级时,绝缘隔板的厚度不得小于3mm。
A.10kV B.35kV C.110kV D.66kV E.略 F.略 [多选题] 建设单位应选派掌握有关安全标准和要求的人员,审核承包商投标文件中的( )、()、(),以及承包商编制的安全生产施工保护费用概算及构成。
A. HSE作业计划书 B. 施工概算 C. 应急预案 D. 安全环保技术措施 [单项选择]大黄口服时,能发挥泻下作用的成分是
A. 结合型蒽苷 B. α-儿茶素 C. 没食子酸 D. 游离的苷元 E. 鞣质 [多选题]物业服务企业的下列收入中,属于主营业务收入的有( )。
A.商业用房经营收入 B.物业管理收入 C.物业经营收入 D.物业大修收入 E.房屋中介代销手续费收入 我来回答: 提交