Back in 1985, Viktor Cherkashin was a senior KGB
officer at the Soviet Embassy in Washington. In the shadowy world of espionage,
he had a good professional reputation--a spy’s spy. So when Robert Hanssen
decided to switch sides, he sent a letter to Cherkashin offering to work for the
Russians. "I would not have contacted you," Hanssen wrote, "if it were not reported that you were held in esteem within your organization." Today, Cherkashin, 69, is a prosperous Moscow businessman. He owns a big house in the suburbs and drives a light blue 1986 Chevrolet, a trophy car in the streets of Moscow. "I’ve been on my pension now for 10 years," he said when NEWSWEEK contacted him by phone last week. "I’m in the private-security business." Cherkashin didn’t want to discuss the Hanssen case. "I don’t like to ta A. espionage was reactivated B. his knowledge of counterintelligence might help Moscow understand how America defends against spies C. Aldrich Ames had been exposed and arrested by FBI D. he knew the names of many US spies in Russia [单项选择]净年值属于()。
A. 动态评价指标 B. 静态评价指标 C. 比率性指标 D. 时间性指标 [单选题]一般说1:500-1:2000比例尺的地形图,图上能显示的地物、地貌,( )表示。
A.尽量 B.移位 C.单个 D.全部 [单选题]足月新生儿,出生2周后应添加维生素D预防佝偻病的发生。其每日口服维生素D的正确剂量是 ( )
A.200-300IU B.300-400IU C.400-800IU D.10-30万IU E.30-60万IU [判断题]新研制的尚未制定国家标准、行业标准的消防产品,应当按照规定经技术鉴定符合消防安全要求的,方可生产、销售、使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]测量直流电压时,正确接入电路的方法是( )。
A.和负载串联,+极端接高电位 B.和负载并联,+极端接低电位 C.和负载并联,+极端接高电位 D.可以随便接 [判断题]加强对小散远直单位和零散人员、在外人员以及任何时间的管理,杜绝不正当的交往、消费和娱乐。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]食管胃底静脉曲张破裂出血( )
A. 少量新鲜血 B. 以呕血为主,也可以便血为主 C. 以呕血为主,单纯便血较少 D. 周期性出血,以便血为主 E. 慢性少量黑便 [单选题]“一方水土养一方人”,“禾苗离土即死,国家无土难存”,因此,作为中华儿女要( )。
A.爱祖国的大好河山 B.爱自己的骨肉同胞 C.爱祖国的灿烂文化 D.爱自己的国家 [填空题][多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,在()、吊桥以及其他危险的边沿进行工作,临空一面应装设安全网或防护栏杆,否则工作人员应使用安全带。
A. 钢管音 B. 鼓音 C. 锣音 D. 空瓮音 E. 金属音 我来回答: 提交