Doctors at Stanford University are
studying a medication they hope will alleviate the suffering of millions of
American women. But their target isn’t breast cancer, osteoporosis, or a
similarly well-known affliction. Despite its alarming impact on its victims, the
malady in question has received comparatively little medical scrutiny. It’s a
"hidden epidemic," according to the Stanford researchers: compulsive shopping
disorder. That’s right. What was once merely a punchline in television sitcoms is now being taken seriously by many clinicians. According to the Stanford study’s leader, Dr. Lorrin Koran, compulsive shopping is "motivated by ’irresistible’ impulses, characterized by spending that is excessive and inappropriate, has harmful consequences for the individual, and tends to be chronic and stereotyped." Compulsive shoppers " A. It is a disease that tends to get worse and worse. B. It is a disease that afflicts a large part of the female population. C. It is a disease that lasts for a short period of time. D. It is a disease that is inheritable. [单项选择]基于以下共同题干在一次魔术表演中,从七位魔术师——G、H、K、L、N、P和Q中,选择六位上场表演,表演时分成两队:1队和2 1~X.每队有前中后三个位置,上场的魔术师恰好每人占一个位置,魔术师的选择和位置安排必须符合下列条件:(2)如果安排K上场,他必须在中位.(3)如果安排L上场,他必须在l队(4)P和K都不能与N在同一个队.(5)P不能与Q在同一个队.(6)如果H在2 1*X,则Q在1的中位.以下哪项列出的是1队上场表演可以接受的安排
A. 前:Q 中:L后:N B. 前:L中:K后:Q C. 前:Q 中:K后:P D. 前:G 中:K后:P [简答题]沥青混合料主要包括哪些路用性能?
[判断题] 煤气、天然气的生产、储存装置发生泄漏,主要由事故单位专业人员采取工艺措施和技术手段进行处置,公安消防部队力量进行协助、掩护和监护。当事故单位不能采取有效堵漏措施时,公安消防力量独自进行处置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]防爆泛光工作灯在打开开关后,能听到灯头内有触发灯泡的声音,但灯不亮。此时,应更换灯泡。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]党的十七大报告指出;“在当代中国,坚持中国特色社会主义理论体系,就是真正坚持马克思主义。”这说明,中国特色社会主义理论是( )
A. 马克思主义中国化的最新成果 B. 马克思主义中国化的唯一成果 C. 当代中国的马克思主义 D. 具有中国特点、中国风格和中国气派的马克思主义 [判断题]所谓杆塔的定位就是在输电线路平断面图上,结合现场实际地形,用定位模板确定杆塔的位置并选定杆塔的型式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对带状疱疹的描述下列正确的是
A. 是由单纯疱疹病毒Ⅰ型引起 B. 是由单纯疱疹病毒Ⅱ型引起 C. 是由水痘-带状病毒引起 D. 是由腺病毒引起 E. 是由β疱疹病毒引起 [判断题]个人外币子账户销户时,系统支持尾零结汇,且对结汇金额没有限制。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]保险代理从业人员的行业准则是()。
A. 一诺千金 B. 真诚永远 C. 诚实信用 D. 勤勉尽责 [单项选择]IDG(整体驱动发电机)关断传感器的作用是什么?()
A. 停止再循环燃油的冷却功能 B. 停止中央燃油箱传输活门的工作 C. 重新起动再循环燃油的冷却功能 D. 以上都对 [判断题]利用倒扣测算法预测目标成本时,预测公式中的应缴税金不包括增值税。
[单项选择]由于业主原因导致承包商自有施工机械设备停工,承包商应按( )索赔计算窝工费。
A. 设备使用费 B. 设备使用管理费 C. 设备台班费 D. 设备台班折旧费 [单项选择]The African elephant-- mythic symbol of a continent, keystone of its ecology and the largest land animal remaining on earth- has become the object of one of the biggest, broadest international efforts yet mounted to turn a threatened species off the road to extinction. But it is not only the elephant’s survival that is at stake, conservationists say. Unlike the endangered tiger, unlike even the great whales, the African elephant is in great measure the architect of its environment. As a voracious eater of vegetation, it largely shapes the forest-and-savanna surroundings in which it lives, thereby setting the terms of existence for millions of other storied animals- from zebras to giraffes and wildebeests- that share its habitat. And as the elephant disappears, scientists and conservationists say, many other species will also disappear from vast stretches of forest and savanna, drastically altering and impoverishing whole ecosystems.
It is the elephant’s metabolism and appetite that
A. the natural tendency of elephants is to crowd together in packs B. the elephant is dependent upon the existence of smaller plant-eating mammals for its survival C. elephants have an indirect effect on the hunting patterns of certain carnivores D. the floor of the tropical rain forest is too overgrown to accommodate larger plant-eating species [单选题]质地较硬、经久耐嚼,越吃越香,纯正浓郁是( )的特点。
A.脆皮面包 B.松质面包 C.软质面包 D.硬质面包 [单选题]触电急救,当采用胸外心脏按压法进行急救时,伤员应仰卧于( )上。
A.柔软床垫 B.硬板床或地 C.担架 D.弹簧床 [判断题]2.258.
在预防性试验中,6~10kV交联电缆的直流耐压试验电压为4倍额定电压。 A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]TBA/22250B产品包的纵封重叠是多少?
[多选题]突出抓好干部和消防员骨干训练,消防员骨干重点进行( )。
A.装备操作使用 B.组训任教 C.体能训练 D.专业技能训练 我来回答: 提交