Because humans are at the top of the
food chain, they are particularly vulnerable to the effects of nondegradable
(不可能降解的)pollutants. This was clearly illustrated in the 1950s and 1960s when
residents living near Minamata Bay, Japan, developed nervous disorders, shaking,
and paralysis(瘫痪,麻痹) in a mysterious widespread. Over 400 people died before
authorities discovered that a local industry had released mercury(水银,汞) into
Minamata Bay. This highly toxic element stored up in the bodies of local fish
and eventually in the bodies of people who consumed the fish. More recently
research has revealed that many chemical pollutants are harmful to the human
beings. Pollution also has a dramatic effect on natural resources. Ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, and rivers perform many important services for the earth’s environment. A. Environmental pollution may have far-reaching consequences. B. Any or all of these ecosystem functions may be impaired or destroyed by pollution. C. Ecosystems perform many important services for the earth’s environment. D. Pollution also has a great influence on natural resources. [多选题]《关于细化落实复兴号动车组服务质量标准的通知》规定:“复兴号”动车组列车提供的“五色中国结”服务,包含以下哪几种颜色()。
A.紫色 B.蓝色 C.绿色 D.橙色 [多项选择]下呼吸道感染临床诊断病人出现咳嗽、痰黏稠,肺部出现湿哕音,并有
A. 发热 B. 白细胞总数和(或)嗜中性粒细胞比例增高 C. X线显示肺部有炎性浸润性病变 D. 慢性气道疾患病人稳定期(慢性以气管炎伴或不伴阻塞性肺气肿、哮喘、支气管扩张症)继发急性感染,并有病原学改变或×线胸片显示与入院时比较有明显改变或新病变 E. 经筛选的痰液,连续两次分离到相同病原体 [单选题]计算低温热水地板辐射采暖热负荷时,下列哪一项是错误的?
A.按正常热负荷乘以0.9~0.95或将室内计算温度取值降低2℃ B.房间接触土壤设地板辐射采暖时,不计入地板热损失 C.局部地面辐射采暖面积为房间总面积的70%时,需计入附加系数 D.采用分户计量地板辐射采暖时,其负荷计算可不计算户与户之间的传热负荷 [单选题]信号集中监测下列()不会造成上、下位机通讯故障。
A.CAN通讯线断 B.某一块CPU板故障 C.CAN卡损坏 D.开入板故障 [多选题]按照税种构成方法和形式的不同,一个国家的税制结构可分为∶( )
A.单一税制 B.复合税制 C.所得税税制 D.财产税税制 E.流转税制 [单选题]巡视导线时,应检查连接线夹螺栓有(____)现象。
A.A.过热 B.跑线 C.开裂 D.起泡 [单选题]生命探测仪分为雷达探测、( )、视频探测等类型。
A.音频探测 B.红外探测 C.遥感探测 D.气体探测 [单选题]用中国特色社会主义理论体系武装官兵,强化历史使命、理想信念、( )、社会主义荣辱观以及公安边防精神教育,永葆听党指挥、服务人民、英勇善战的政治本色。
A.军人核心价值观 B.观苦奋斗 C.革命英雄主义 D.战斗精神 [简答题]什么叫车轮踏面剥离?
[单选题]#5机密封油排烟风机电机电流为( )A。
A. 5.43 B. 3.43 C. 2.43 D. 1.43 [单项选择]肝切面图内见强回声或低回声结节,边缘不规则,周边有晕环、内部光点分布不均匀提示()
A. 肝血管瘤 B. 肝癌 C. 肝囊肿 D. 肝脓肿 E. 血吸虫病性肝纤维化 [判断题]合金钢抽油杆一般用20号铬钼钢或15号镍钼钢制成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交