FDA: Human, Animal Waste
Threatens Produce{{/B}} The biggest food safety risk for fresh fruits and vegetables as they are grown, picked or processed comes from human and animal waste, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said Friday. More than 9,000 Americans die each year from food-borne diseases and some scientists believe fresh produce is the biggest carrier of contamination. The FDA issued a set of draft guidelines for US and foreign growers to carefully monitor worker hygiene, water quality, manure management and transportation. This 34-page draft guidelines urged growers to give workers lessons on basic hygiene such as Using soap to wash their hands, covering wounds that could come into contact with produce, and using only clean toilets. The FDA guidelines ident A. growers’ lack of attention to personal hygiene. B. lack of effective guidelines. C. the FDA’s decision to import more foreign fruits and vegetables. D. people involved in distributing fresh produce. [判断题]达到危险临界浓度时,会对生命和健康会产生不可逆转的或延迟性的影响。硫化氢危险浓度为150 mg/m3(100ppm),此浓度为硫化氢检测的一级报警值。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]该建筑材料设备公司当月应纳税额为 ( )。
A. 1.53万元 B. 4.31万元 C. 4.59万元 D. 5.61万元 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(列车)安全秩序中规定,发生旅客伤病时,提供协助,通过广播寻求医护人员帮助;情形严重的,报告( )。
A.客调 B.前方停车站 C.前方县、市或三等以上停车站 D.公安部门 [单选题]HXN3型内燃机车的柴油机冷却系统和压气机冷却系统装配有热机自动排泄阀,此阀在冷却剂的温度降至低于( )℃时可以自动排空冷却系统。
A.7.3 B.8.3 C.9.3 D.10.3 [单选题]在允许速度不大于120km/h的线路起道作业收工时,顺坡率不应大于( )。
A.0.5‰ B.1.0‰ C.2.0‰ D.3.0‰ [多项选择]团支部应当坚持下列()制度。
A. 学习 B. 会议 C. 思想汇报 D. 团籍注册 [多选题] 信贷调查人员实地调查的主要方式包括( )。
A.账务核查 B.面谈 C.实地走访 D.查询人民银行征信系统 我来回答: 提交