{{B}} Kite{{/B}} Kite flying is the sport of sending up into the air, by means of the wind, a light frame covered with paper, plastic or doth. The frame can be one of many different shapes and is attached to a long string held in the hand or wound on a drum. Kites have a long history practical application and many different types of kite have been developed to serve various purposes. The ancient Chinese used bird-kites to carry ropes across rivers and valleys. The current folding kite which will dive excitingly is an improved type of such a kite. With its long flat body and single pair of bird like wings, it looks just like a large bird in the air. The modern version is usually made of tissue paper rather than the traditional silk. Man-lifting kites were developed in ancient times, again by the Chinese, for getting A. The frame of a kite is attached to a long string held in the hand or wound on a drum. B. The ancestor of the double box-shaped body had three wings. C. The cutter kite has a diamond-shaped body had no wings. D. The current folding kite is developed to test theories of flight. [多选题]【《公文写作一本通-电力企业公文写作实用手册》】【B402QF-ZY2201】【适中】<463>会议召开之前,应根据会议筹备方案,加强会前的()。
A.综合检查 B.必须结合本单位实际 C.统筹协调 D.资源调配 [单项选择]商朝最后一个君主是()
A. 商汤 B. 商宣 C. 商纣 D. 商敬 [多选题]消防救援人员宣誓可以结合( )进行。
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A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]网络营销中在线调查表进行市场调查是常见的方式.在线调查表设计中应注意的问题( )
A. 必须明确的提问的意思和范围 B. 问题设计应力求简明扼要 C. 所提问题不应有偏见或误导和不要诱导人们回答 D. 避免引起人们反感或难以回答的问题 [判断题]无论是直闪法还是冲闪法,只有使故障点充分放电才能获得正确的脉冲电流波形。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]“七十子丧而大义乖”中“大义”意思是()选项
A. 礼义 B. 正道 C. 六经要旨 D. 大德 E. 正义 [简答题]某行政执法人员发现一行政管理相对人正在进行违法行为,于是打算对其进行依法处理,此时执法人员首先要向当事人做出什么行为?
A.A、TCP/IP B.B、ICMP C.C、OSI D.D、ISO [单项选择]脓胸是指脓性渗出液积聚于何处的化脓性感染
A. 胸骨后间隙 B. 纵隔间隙 C. 胸内脏器 D. 肺内 E. 胸膜腔内 [判断题]HXD1电力机车控制系统根据变压器支路的油温和主变流支路的水温,自动调节冷却塔通风机运行电压和频率,来改变风机的转速。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《党章》规定,党的中央和省、自治区、直辖市委员会实行巡视制度。在一届任期内,对所管理的地方、部门、企事业单位党组织实现巡视全覆盖。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交