In this part there are three passages and one table. each followed by five quesrions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A. B. C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
Firefighters ane often asked to speak to school and community groups about the importance of fine safety, particularly fire prevention and detection. Bccause smoke detectors reduce the risk of dying in a fire by half. firefighters often provide audiences with information on how to install these protectivc devices in their homes. Specifically, they tell them these things: A smoke detector should be placcd on each floor of a home. While sleeping, people are in particular danger of an emergent fire、 and there must he a dctcct A. on a ceiling four inches away from a wall B. near an open window C. close to where a wall meets a ceiling D. in kitchens and garages [单项选择]
It has been a wretched few weeks for America’s. celebrity bosses. AIG’s Maurice Greenberg has been dramatically ousted from the firm through which he dominated global insurance for decades. At Morgan Stanley a mutiny is forcing Philip Purcell, a boss used to getting his own way, into an increasingly desperate campaign to save his skin. At Boeing, Harry Stonecipher was called out of retirement to lead the scandal-hit firm and raise ethical standards, only to commit a lapse of his own, being sacked for sending e-mails to a lover who was also an employee. Carly Fiorina was the most powerful woman in corporate America until a few weeks ago, when Hewlett-Packard (HP) sacked her for poor performance. The fate of Bernie Ebbers is much grimmer. The once high-profile boss of WorldCom could well spend the rest of his life behind bars following his conviction last month on fraud charges. [单选题]一个用户的墙外第一支持物接到另一个用户第一个支持物的连接线,包括接户线在内的总长度应不超过()m。
A.25 B.40 C.60 D.80 [判断题]更换钢轨需拆装扼流变钢轨引线,未设置好分路电缆之前,不得将扼流变钢轨引线从钢轨上拆开。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]500(330)kV及以上变电站技改工程可研初设审查由( )运检部选派相关专业技术人员参加。
A.省公司、省检修公司 B.省公司、地市公司 C.省检修公司、地市公司 D.地市公司、县公司 [简答题]用框图说明普通车床的传动路线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]农村集体经济组织双层经营体制的基础是( )。
A.农户分散经营 B.集体统一经营 C.农村集体经营 D.统分结合经营 [单选题]所谓按生产要素分配是指生产要素所有者凭借要素所有权,从生产要素使用者那里获得报酬的经济行为。下列对按生产要素分配认识正确的是()。
A.在我国,按生产要素分配不会导致两极分化 B.是与我国现阶段生产力发展水平相适应的分配方式 C.只适用于非公有制经济 D.是社会主义市场经济的主要分配方式 [多选题]调频厂应该具有的特点是(____)。
A.调整容量足够大 B.调整速度足够快 C.调整范围内经济性较好 D.要有足够的输出能力 [单项选择]关于下丘脑激素不正确的是
A. 是神经细胞分泌的神经激素 B. 都是多肽类激素 C. 这类激素的作用方式与神经递质完全相同 D. 血管升压素是下丘脑合成的激素 [单项选择]When World War I ended on November 11, 1918, peace talks went on for months due to the Allied leaders wanting to punish the enemy and dividing the spoils of war. A formal agreement to end the war was made and called the "Treaty of Versailles". The issue that took the most time were the territorial issues because the empires of Russia, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman, and Germany had collapsed. These fallen empires had to be divided up and American President Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau of France, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, and David Lloyd George of Great Britain, were the main deciders of this deal.
in April of 1919, Germany was previously captured and made to wait in a small house that was surrounded with barbed wire. The Allied, who captured Germany, wanted to make a peace treaty to end the fighting. The Germans agreed, but they wanted a treaty that was based on the Fourteen Points but obviously they were not going to get it because of the way they were treated; the barbed wi A. Allied leaders made the Treaty of Versailles. B. Gennany was one of the Allies. C. Several empires collapsed after World War Ⅰ. D. To some degree, the Treaty of Versailles was a reveng [判断题]征信机构应按季度向国务院征信业监督管理部门报告开展征信业务的情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]非居民企业因会计账簿不健全,资料残缺难以查账,或者其他原因不能准确计算并据实申报其应纳税所得额的,税务机关有权采取以下哪几种方法核定其应纳税所得额:
( )。 A.按收入总额核定应纳税所得额 B.按成本费用核定应纳税所得额 C.按利润总额核定应纳税所得额 D.按行业平均值核定应纳税所得额 E.按经费支出换算收入核定应纳税所得额 [单项选择]利润表中的项目应根据损益类账户的______填列。
A. 期初余额 B. 期末余额 C. 发生额 D. 期初余额加发生额 [单项选择]MODICUM: IOTA : :
A. abundance: magnitude B. gallon: kilogram C. tress: braid D. thatch: blade E. lock: hair [多选题]变电站( )应装设空调,蓄电池室应使用防爆空调。
A.主控室 B.继电保护室 C.蓄电池室 D.通信机房 我来回答: 提交