How many of today’s ailments, or even
illnesses, are purely psychological And how far can these be alleviated by the
use of drugs For example a psychiatrist concerned mainly with the emotional
problems of old people might improve their state of mind somewhat by the use of
anti-depressants but he would not remove the root cause of their depression—the
feeling of being useless, often unwanted and handicapped by failing physical
powers. One of the most important controversies in medicine today is how far doctors, and particularly psychologists, should depend on the use of drugs for "curing" their patients. It is not merely that drugs may have been insufficiently tested and may reveal harmful side effects (as happened in the case of anti-sickness pills prescribed for expectant mothers) but the uneasiness of doctors who feel that th A. could be ineffective in some cases B. usually have harmful side effects C. can greatly alleviate the illnesses D. can remove the root causes [单选题]单选题
A.置换、充液、高点排气、点动3到5次开高点排气阀; B.送电、点动判断方向 C.排液、点动 D.排液、置换、盘车 [单选题]监护人应密切注意挖坑人员,防止煤气、硫化氢等有毒气体中毒及沼气等可燃气体爆炸。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题]《铁路交通事故应急救援和调查处理条例》规定了较大事故和一般事故由事故发生地铁路 管理机构负责调查。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题](第四十四条)以下关于攀登训练说法正确的是( )。(ACD)
A.使用消防软梯训练时,上端必须固定牢固,参训人员必须采用安全绳进行保护。 B.在消防梯上进行背负救人训练时,被救者必须采取安全绳保护,施救者视情决定是否采取安全绳保护。 C.攀岩(楼)训练时,地面应当有保护垫,保护人员应该与岩(楼)保持一定的安全距离; D.收放绳索时,要控制绳索速度和长度。 [判断题]图书馆文献保障率是一个衡量馆藏文献量占全部出版文献的比例的指标。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]A.痰抗酸染色
A.痰菌培养 B.痰革兰染色 C.痰真菌培养 D.痰找阿米巴滋养体下列情况应进行何种检查 E.细菌性肺炎的病原诊断 [简答题]集控值班员应如何选择运行方式?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据《建筑工程建筑面积计算规范》,单层建筑物内有局部楼层时,下列关于其建筑面积计算的说法正确的是()。
A. 有围护结构的按底板水平面积计算 B. 无围护结构的不计算建筑面积 C. 层高超过2.10m计算全面积 D. 层高不足2.20m计算1/2面积 [单项选择]施工成本偏差分析可采用不同的表达方法,常用的有()
A. 横道图法、表格法、和曲线法 B. 网络图法、横道图法和表格法 C. 比较法、因素分析法和差额计算法 D. 网络图法、表格法和曲线法 [多项选择]婚姻家庭咨询过程中探索家庭情况的原则包括()。
A. 循环 B. 假设 C. 建议 D. 中立 我来回答: 提交