Passage 4 In her 26 years of teaching English, Shannon McGuire has seen countless misplaced commas, misspelled words and sentence fragments. But the instructor at US’s Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge said her job is getting harder every day. "I kid you not, the number of errors that I’ve seen in the past few years have multiplied five times," she said. Experts say email and instant messaging are at least partly to blame for an increasing indifference toward the rules of grammar, spelling and sentence structure. They say the problem is most noticeable in college students and recently graduates. "They used to at least feel guilty (about mistakes)," said Naomi Baron, professor of linguistics at American University in Washington, D. C. "They didn’t necessarily write a little better, but at least they felt guilty." Ironicall A. are the victims of the deteriorating education B. mostly have very bad handwriting C. don’t think they’re writing bad English D. are ashamed of their poor writing skills [填空题]Captain McKay is in{{U}} (36) {{/U}}of eight soldiers. A large company of enemy soldiers is{{U}} (37) {{/U}}them. Of all of them, Captain McKay is the only one who knows the way through the{{U}} (38) {{/U}}. It’s his{{U}} (39) {{/U}}to get his men back to the camp safely.
Captain McKay led his men across a wooden bridge which{{U}} (40) {{/U}}a wide river. He knew that the enemy wasn’t very far behind them. There was only one way to{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. Someone had to stay behind and blow up the bridge, and the soldier who stayed behind would probably be killed by the force of the{{U}} (42) {{/U}}.
The Captain’s first thought was to blow up the bridge himself. However, no one else could lead the men back to the camp. The Captain told his men about the plan. He asked for a{{U}} (43) {{/U}}but no one offered to go. The Captain had to order one of the men to stay behind and blow up the bridge.
The Captain took a long, hard look at the eight soldiers. One was 52 ye
[单选题]跨入新世纪,必须按照中国特色社会主义事业总体布局,全面推进( )。
A.经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、法制建设 B.经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设 C.经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、民主法制建设 D.经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、民生建设 [配伍题]上叶顶部肺癌( )|弥漫型细支气管肺泡细胞癌( )|肺癌非转移性的全身症状( )
A. Pancoast肿瘤 B. 血性胸膜腔积液 C. X线片上块影密度不均匀,可有钙化点 D. 骨关节病综合征 E. 类似支气管肺炎的X线表现 [单选题]大肠埃希菌属于哪种形态的细菌
A.杆菌 B.球菌 C.弧菌 D.螺形菌 [多项选择]领导者应具备的决策修养中,摆在第一位的是( )。
A. 决断魄力 B. 创新精神 C. 科学素养 D. 民主作风 [单项选择]二进制数110001转换成十进制数是
A. 47 B. 48 C. 49 D. 51 [多项选择]根据胜任特征模型,决定人们的行为及表现关键因素包括( )。
A. 动机/需要 B. 人格特质 C. 知识 D. 社会角色 E. 自我概念 [单选题]我国第一个五年计划的期限是( )。
A.1949—1954年 B.1953—1957年 C.1952一1956年 D.1954—1958年 [单项选择]下列病变中显示为前牙针形高密度影像的是
A. 牙中牙 B. 牙内吸收 C. 邻面龋 D. 局限性牙髓钙化 E. 弥散性牙髓钙化 [单项选择]I ______ with all the windows closed, but now I'd like some fresh air.
A. am used to sleep B. am used to sleeping C. used to sleeping D. used to sleep [单项选择]用于神经管缺陷诊断的常规试验是( )
A. 羊水甲苯胺蓝定性试验 B. 羊水糖醛酸半定量测定。 C. 羊水AFP测定 D. 羊水γ-GT测定 E. 羊水ALP测定 [多选题]消防隐患“三级查”制度具体内容是什么( )。
A.班组日检查 B.车间周检查 C.主管科室月检查 D.厂级检查 [单选题]我司客改货运行时,如机上火灾,____负责灭火,____负责援助。
A.乘务长;安全员 B.安全员;乘务长 C.乘务员;安全员 D.安全员;乘务员 [单选题]施工现场的动火作业,必须执行()。
A.动火前审批制度 B.公告制度 C.动火时报告制度 D.动火后记录制度 [判断题]安装电扇,按照配线极性接线,并使用绝白布带包扎后固定。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]工作地点,应停电的线路和设备中,包含危及线路停电作业安全,且不能采取相应安全措施的()线路。
A.交叉跨越 B.平行线路 C.同杆(塔)架设 D.通讯线路 [单选题]已知直线AB的坐标方位角为214º,则直线BA的坐标方位角为()。
A.146º B.34º C.14º D.124º [单选题]挖到电缆保护板后,应由( )在场指导,方可继续进行。
A. 工区领导 B.工作负责人 C.有经验的人员 D.运维人员 [判断题]在持有建设部发放的使用证的同时,必须经使用产品省一级的安全监督管理部门审查认定,发放当地的准用证后,才能向施工现场提供附着式升降脚手架。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Many mobile operators already offer a selection of television channels or individual shows, which are sent (1) across their third-generation (3G) networks. In South Korea, television is also sent to mobile phones via satellite and terrestrial broadcast networks, which is far more (2) than sending video across mobile networks; similar broadcasts will begin in Japan in April. Similar mobile-TV networks will also be built in Finland and America, and are being (3) in many other countries. [多项选择]个体工商户乙向某私营企业主甲借款20万元,甲要求乙提供保证人。乙找了自己的同学丙作为保证人在借款合同上签字。甲与乙约定1年后连本带利还清借款,但因市场行情变化,乙经营失败无法还清欠甲的债务,而丙拒绝承担保证责任。下列说法哪些是正确的
A. 如果合同中约定保证人承担连带保证责任,甲向乙和丙一并主张权利的,人民法院应当将保证人和被保证人列为共同被告 B. 如果合同中没有明确约定保证方式的,甲仅起诉丙的,人民法院应当通知乙作为共同被告参加诉讼 C. 如果合同中约定保证人承担连带保证责任的,甲可以仅起诉丙 D. 如果合同中约定保证人承担一般保证责任的,甲仅起诉丙的,人民法院应当通知乙作为共同被告参加诉讼 [单选题]轨道电路的跳线和引接线不得埋于土或石渣中,并需涂油防蚀,断根不得超过( )
A.A、1/10 B.B、1/5 C.C、1/3 D.D、2/5 [判断题]分布式电源送出线路的继电保护不要求双重配置,可不配置光纤纵差保护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]工作期间,工作票应始终保留在( )手中。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作负责人 C.工作许可人 D.专责监护人 [单选题]车辆进行起重作业时,要划定警戒区,控制作业区人员,要找准受力位置,气垫受力面塞入物体下部必须在总面积( )以上。( )
A.25% B.50% C.75% D.100% [单项选择]不易透过血脑屏障,因而不致引起中枢性不良反应的药物是()
A. 青霉素 B. 头孢哌酮 C. 氧氟沙星 D. 红霉素 E. 甲硝唑 [单项选择]非金属UPVC排水管的管材、管件和胶黏剂以使用前至少在相同温度下搁置( )h为宜。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 我来回答: 提交