若诊断直肠癌,首选的治疗是() Surprisingly enough, modern historians
have rarely interested themselves in the history of the American South in the
period before the South began to become self-consciously and distinctively
"Southern" --the decades after 1815. Consequently, the cultural history of
Britain’s North American empire in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries has
been writ ten almost as if the Southern colonies had never existed. The American
culture that emerged during the Colonial and Revolutionary eras has been
depicted as having been simply an extension of New England Puritan culture.
However, Professor Davis has recently argued that the South stood apart
from the rest of American society during this early period, following its own
unique pattern of cultural development. The case for Southern
distinctiveness rests upon two related premises: first A. refuting a claim about the influence of Puritan culture on the early American South B. refuting a thesis about the distinctiveness of the culture of the early American South C. refuting the two premises that underlie Davis’ discussion of the culture of the American D. challenging the hypothesis that early American culture was homogeneous in nature [多项选择]根据《民法通则》规定,代理包括( )。
A. 委托代 B. 自愿代理 C. 法定代理 D. 指定代理 [单选题] 220kV及以上变压器新油电气绝缘强度为( )kV以上。
A.30; B.35; C.40; D.45。 [单项选择]电离层折射误差可用()方法消除。
A. 单频观测 B. 双频观测 C. 码相位观测 D. 载波相位观测 [多选题]采煤机喷雾系统分为( )。
A.A. 内喷雾 B.B. 左喷雾 C.C.外喷雾 D.D.右喷雾 [单项选择]榕树中的一种“人参榕”它是()
A. 实生苗 B. 扦插苗 C. 高压苗 D. 组培苗 [判断题]公安机关在作出治安管理处罚决定前,不依法履行告知义务或者拒 绝听取违反治安管理行为人的陈述和申辩的,其作出的治安管理处罚 决定不能成立。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]便携式发码箱可以发 ( )类型的电信号
A.交流电流 B.交流电压 C.直流电流 D.直流电压 [单选题]中级路面的面层宜采用( )。
A.沥青混凝土面层 B.水泥混凝土面层 C.级配碎石 D.沥青混凝土土混合料 [判断题]国家综合性消防救援队伍所属单位和人员应当严格执行新闻采访纪律,可以擅自接受媒体采访;[1分]
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]作业前,应检查多电源和有自备电源的客户是否已采取机械或电气联锁等防止反送电的强制性技术措施。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [多项选择]下列符合ARDS诊断的是()
A. 胸部X线两肺浸润阴影 B. 低氧血症,PaO2/FiO2≤300mmHg C. 起病急、呼吸频数或窘迫 D. PAWP≤18mmHg E. 重度感染、中毒、外伤、DIC [单选题]硫酸阿托品
A.基于BIM技术的建筑设计软件 B.基于BIM技术的能耗分析软件 C.基于BIM技术的结构设计软件 D.基于BIM技术的设备设计软件 我来回答: 提交