With 950 million people, India ranks
second to China among the most populous countries. But since China (71)
a family planning program in 1971, India has been closing the
(72) . Indians have reduced their birth rate but not
nearly (73) the Chinese have. If current growth rates
continue, India’s population will (74) China’s around the
year 2028 (75) about 1.7 billion. Should that happen, it
won’t be the (76) of the enlightened women of Kerala, a
state in southern India. (77) India as a whole adds almost
20 million people a year, Kerala’s population is virtually (78)
. The reason is no mystery: nearly two-thirds of Kerala women practice
birth control, (79) about 40% in the entire
nation. The difference (80) the emphasis put on health programs, (81) birth contr A. reviving B. including C. practicing D. containing [单选题]解决变压器重载或过载方法有加装变压器、换大变压器及()。
A.A.切割低压负荷 B.B.更换低压导线 C.C.加装无功补偿 D.D.加装三相平衡装置 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]可以作为小鼠B细胞增殖试验的刺激物的是
A.K562细胞株 B.YAC-1细胞株 C.细菌脂多糖 D.抗IgM抗体 E.SPA金黄色葡萄球菌菌体 [判断题]化学中合池排水泵检修后需要试运。工作负责人关某电话通知工作许可人:你在值班室按排水泵启动按钮,我就地开排水泵出入口阀门。工作许可人说:好的,无关人员撤出现场。注意安全。此举正确与否。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]。商品柜、冰箱、吧台、橱柜不随意放置私人物品(乘务员随乘携带的餐食等定位存放)。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]外币通存通兑手续费以()收取。
[单项选择]When most people think of the word "education", they think of a pupil as a sort of animate (有生命的) sausage container. Into this empty container, the teachers are supposed to stuff "education".
But genuine education, as Socrates knew more than two thousand years ago, is not inserting the stuffing of information into a person, but rather eliciting knowledge from him; it is the drawing out of what is in the mind. "The most important part of education," once wrote William Ernest Hocking, the distinguished Harvard philosopher, "is this instruction of a man in what he has inside of him." And, as Edith Hamilton has reminded us, Socrates never said, "I know, learn from me." He said, rather, "Look into your own selves and find the spark of truth that God has put into every heart and that only you can develop to flame." In the dialogue called the "Meno", Socrates takes an ignorant slave boy, without a day of schooling, and proves to the amazed observers that the boy really "kn A. Education should draw students’ attention. B. Education demands to absorb much knowledge. C. Education requires explicit knowledge transfer. D. Education aims to develop students’ potentials. [单项选择]
Developing a Mission Statement A company mission statement can be a powerful force to clearly define your company’s purpose for existence. In the beginning, your company was formed to accomplish something that did not exist in the marketplace, or to do a better job than existing companies. What was that special purpose Small companies seldom take the time to discuss or write out their company mission, but they should. It will pay measurable financial dividends over time. The commitment to formulating a company mission can be critical to your company’s success. It helps keep management focused on preserving or strengthening the company’s unique competitive niche. It can also prevent panic and unwise marketing or spending responses to meet an indirect thrust by competitors into your market. The most successful company missions are measurable and definable project statements with emotional appeal that everyone knows and can A. It can be very important to the company’s success. B. It helps preserve or strengthen the company’s unique competitive niche. C. It can prevent panic and unwise marketing. D. It can help the company beat other competitors. [单项选择]20世纪初树起“心理学-人的行为的科学”这面旗帜的心理学家是()
A. Freud B. Watson C. Wundt D. Pavlov [单项选择]准确度是指
A. 测得的一组测量值彼此符合的程度 B. 测定结果与真实值或参考值接近的程度 C. 结果用相对标准偏差表示 D. 对供试物准确而专属的测定能力 E. 不同实验室,不同分析人员之间测定结果没有显著性差异 [简答题]阅读下面一段课文,回答下列问题:
The California condor is the largest bird in North America. it is an endangered species. 20 years ago there were less than 30 birds left. All of the birds were trapped and kept in safe places. The number of condors grew larger. Puppets that looked like condors were used to take care of babies so that more eggs could be hatched. A. Hunters shoot condors. B. Puppet rearing practices have caused it. C. Hunter’s bullets contain lead which poisons the meat condors eat. D. They never used to like lead. [单选题]BBS是指( )。
A. 不能确定 B. 电子邮件 C. 新闻组 D. 电子公告栏 [单选题]述职报告的种类很多,从时间上分有( )。
A.任期述职报告 B.年度述职报告 C.集体述职报告 D.临时述职报告 [多选题]如果某一账户的左方登记增加,右方登记减少,期初余额在左方,而期末余额在右方,则下列说法不正确的有()。
A.本期增加发生额低于本期减少发生额的差额小于期初余额 B.本期增加发生额低于本期减少发生额的差额大于期初余额 C.本期增加发生额超过本期减少发生额的差额大于期初余额 D.本期增加发生额超过本期减少发生额的差额小于期初余额 [多选题]进入设备内部检修作业,应具备的条件有( )。
A.进入设备作业前,应切断电源,并由配电室断电和挂“有人工作,请勿合闸”的警告牌 B.切断物料来源,倒空物料,用N2置换,加盲板 C.安排监视人员,确定设备内外联系的方式或方法 D.打开设备人孔或通风孔,保持设备内空气流通 [单选题]一台三相电动机额定容量为10kW,额定效率为85%,功率因数为0.8,额定电压380V。其计算电流为( )
A.19A B.22A C. 16A D.26A [单选题]无功补偿应按照分层分级和就地平衡原则,采用()的方式,并能随负荷或电压进行调整,不得向电网倒送无功,保证用户受电电压符合现行国家标准GB/T 12325 和GB 50227 的有关规定。
A.分散 B.集中 C.分散和集中相结合 D.统一 [多选题]在确保人身安全和设备安全运行的条件下,允许有关的高压设备和二次回路不停电进行下列工作,正确的是()。
A.在测量、信号、控制和保护回路上进行较简单的作业 B.改变继电保护装置的整定值,但不得进行该装置的调整试验,作业人员的安全等级不得低于三级 C.当电气设备有多重继电保护,经供电调度批准短时撤出部分装置时,在撤出运行的保护装置上作业 D.更换熔丝 [多项选择]农民主体力量发挥不够的原因主要有以下几个方面()。
A. 农民公共服务意识淡薄 B. 对政府主导力量的依赖 C. 农民自身素质的制约 D. 制度的缺失 [多选题]省中心应委托具备资质的第三方检测机构对采购的CPC卡进行入网检测,入网检测应包括:( )
A.规范符合性 B.协议符合性 C.功能符合性 D.设备兼容性 E.环境适应性 F.实际系统综合测试 [单选题]计算经济损失主要计算( )经济损失。
A.A、直接 B.B、直接和间接 C.C、主要 D.D、重要 [判断题]安全监管监察部门不得因当事人陈述或者申辩而加重处罚。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]环池内通过()
A. 视神经 B. 动眼神经 C. 滑车神经 D. 展神经 E. 面神经 我来回答: 提交