On August 18th US News & World
Report released its 2007 rankings of America’s top colleges. The survey began in
1983 as an unofficial opinion poll, when the magazine asked 662 college
presidents to identify the country’s best places of learning. It has since
changed into an annually frightening experience for reputable universities. A
strong showing in the rankings spurs student interest and alumni giving while a
slip has grave consequences for public relations. University administrators deeply dislike the survey. Many reject the idea that schools can be stacked up against one another in any meaningful way. And the survey’s methodology is suspect. The rankings are still based partly on peer evaluations. They compare rates of alumni giving, which has little to do with the transmission of knowledge. Besides, the magazine’s data a A. To attract more top applicants. B. To make the rankings reliable. C. To take advantage of its public relations. D. To become more popular in the rankings. [简答题]哪些情况列车不准分部运行?J369
A. 销售商品收入 B. 出租无形资产收入 C. 转让投资性房地产收入 D. 接受现金捐赠收入 [单项选择]She is always easy to get along with, but she is difficult to understand ()
A. at one time B. at a time C. at times D. at all times [单选题]回油活门由谁控制:
A.FMGC(飞行管理引导计算机) B.FADEC(全权数字式发动机控制) C.FLSCU(燃油量检测控制组件) D.FQI(燃油油量表) [单选题]雷达故障,雾中听到他船的雾号显似在正横以前时,规则要求“应极其谨慎地驾驶”的含义应包括_________ 。
A.及早转向避让 B.保持高度戒备,切忌盲目转向 C.鸣放雾号 D.保向、保速 [多选题] 对犯罪嫌疑人所做以下鉴定的时间,计入办案期限的有()。
A. 法医鉴定 B. 刑事技术鉴定 C. 精神病鉴定 D. 司法会计鉴定 [判断题]反违章管理考核中,针对发现的管理违章和装置违章,应按照岗位职责划分,将违章责任落实到具体人员,并按照标准予以记分和处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]变压器大盖沿气体继电器方向坡度为2—4%。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]中国人民银行设立中国反洗钱监测分析中心,依法履行下列职责?()
A.按照规定向中国人民银行报告分析结果 B.接收并分析人民币、外币大额交易和可疑交易报告 C.在职责范围内调查可疑交易活动 D.要求金融机构及时补正人民币、外币大额交易和可疑交易报告 [简答题]为什么架体与建筑物必须拉结,并且不可擅自拆除或移位?
A.生命和健康 B.经济和财产 C.心理和精神 D.都不是 [单项选择]
A. mouth B. ear C. eye D. hearing [单项选择]积聚治宜
A. 活血化瘀 B. 温阳除湿 C. 温阳散寒 D. 疏肝理气 E. 行气活血通阳 [判断题]《安规》(热力和机械部分)规定,进入凝汽器工作时,应使用24V行灯。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交