{{B}}Minutes{{/B}} {{U}}Lighting{{/U}} Staff are complaining about the poor lighting in the main office. The secretary of the committee recently obtained quotes {{U}} (29) {{/U}}new lighting, {{U}} (30) {{/U}}we passed to the management board. The committee is {{U}} (31) {{/U}}waiting for{{U}} (32) {{/U}}decision. We are hoping the board will let us {{U}} (33) {{/U}}within the next few weeks. {{U}}New Drinks Machine{{/U}} Of the three types of machine we looked at, Maxcup appeared to be the best option. The committee now has to find a new{{U}} (34) {{/U}} as our current machine causes pro [判断题]非计划检修是指因突发事故而造成的设备或装置临时性停车进行的抢修。
[单选题] 槐尺蠖主要危害( )和龙爪槐。
A. 国槐 B. 白蜡 C.臭椿 D. 杨树 [单项选择]关于个人经营类贷款的说法,不正确的是______。
A. 发放对象为从事合法生产经营的个人 B. 可分为个人经营专项贷款和个人经营流动资金贷款 C. 相对个人住房贷款,个人经营类贷款风险更容易控制 D. 借款人可将该贷款用于定向购买商用房 [单项选择]
Text 3 Jill Ker Conway, president of Smith, echoes the prevailing view of contemporary technology when she says that "anyone in today’s world who doesn’t understand data processing is not educated". But she insists that the increasing emphasis on these matters leave certain gaps. Says she: "The very strongly utilitarian emphasis in education, which is an effect of man-made satellites and the cold war, has really removed from this culture something that was very profound in its 18th and 19th century roots, which was a sense that literacy and learning were ends in themselves for a democratic republic. " In contrast to Plato’s claim for the social value of education, a quite different idea of intellectual purposes was advocated by the Renaissance humanists. Overjoyed with their rediscovery of the classical learning that was thought to have disappeared during the Dark Ages, they argued that the imparting of knowledge needs no justificati A. wholeheartedly B. with reservation C. against her own will D. with contempt [单选题]由于建筑生产规模和现场都不能固定,建筑业人、财、物组织应该是( )。
A.弹性的 B.固定的 C.服从上级安排 D.由经理决定 [多选题]关于相对挥发度,下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 对理想溶液中组分的相对挥发度等于同温度下两纯组分的饱和蒸汽压之比 B. 相对挥发度大于1,则表示两组分难分离 C. 相对挥发度等于1,表示不能用普通蒸馏方法分离该混合液 D. 相对挥发度的大小可以用来判断某混合液是否能用蒸馏方法加以分离以及分离的难易程度 [单选题]一患者因高热2日未能进食,自述口渴、口干、尿少色黄。查体:有脱水征,尿比重1.028,血清钠浓度为156mmol/L。治疗首先应给予
A.3%~5%的高张盐水 B.5%碳酸氢钠溶液 C.5%葡萄糖溶液 D.葡萄糖盐水 E.平衡液 [单选题]ZD6型电动转辙机“Z”表示( ) 。
A.直流 B.自动 C.转辙机 D.D、转换 [判断题]()主掺凝聚循环水停时,凝聚剂胶乳热水必须停。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]施工现场临时用房层数为( )层,或每层建筑面积大于200㎡时,应设置至少2部疏散楼梯。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]不是淋病临床表现的是
A. 淋病的潜伏期为2周 B. 黄色脓性白带增多伴尿路刺激症 C. 淋菌沿生殖道黏膜上行传播 D. 淋病可上行引起子宫内膜炎 E. 淋病可经血行播散引起全身性淋菌性疾病 [单选题]通常情况下,下列哪种情况会影响收费员的结算。()。
A.网络在断网半小时后又恢复 B.费额显示器不显示金额 C.收费窗口的图像区域显示红屏 D.票据的起始号输错 [多选题]第三代移动通信系统标准有( )。
A.GSM B.CDMA C.WCDMA D.CDMA2000 E.TD-SCDMA [单选题]电缆及电容器接地前应( )充分放电。
A.逐相 B.保证一点 C.单相 D.三相 [单项选择]主要用于镇咳的阿片类药物是
A. 罗通定 B. 哌替啶 C. 可待因 D. 奈福泮 E. 高乌甲素 我来回答: 提交