The British are the European Union’s
worst linguists while the citizens of Luxembourg are the best, according to an
EU poll published recently. Almost two-thirds of Britons know no language apart
from their mother tongue, the highest figure recorded in the 15 EU countries.
That compares to just 2.2 percent in Luxembourg, 12.3 percent of Danes and an EU
average of 47.3 percent of people who speak no other language but their own, the
poll of 16,000 Ell citizens said. But British travelers to Europe need not
worry. English is the most common second language in the EU, spoken by 41
percent of the block’s citizens. In Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands, at
least 78 percent of people speak English as a second language. Although 47
percent of EU citizens know only their mother tongue, there is wide agreement
that speaking foreign languag A. 71 percent B. 72 percent C. 69 percent D. 70 percent [单项选择]当征信服务中心认为有关商业银行报送的信息可疑时,应当按有关规定的程序及时向该商业银行发出复核通知,商业银行应当在收到复核通知之日起( )个工作日内给予答复。
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 [单项选择]The recent oil price rises ______ the difficulties which the motor industry is now facing.
A. clarify B. exemplify C. rectify D. justify [多项选择]在生产过程中要进行检验和试验,以保证生产过程的正常和稳定,为此供方应建立进行检验和试验活动的文件化工作程序,这些工作程序包括()检验和试验的工作程序。
A. 进货 B. 过程 C. 阶段 D. 紧急 E. 最终 [判断题]酱油中的香味是由醇类化合物的酒香味、酯类、酚类的芳香合作呈现。点:柱侯酱的原料组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]属于1121灭火器的灭火原理.特点及适用火灾情况的有( )。
A.1121是一种液化气体灭火剂,化学名称是二氟一氯一溴甲烷 B.不适用扑灭油类.易燃液体.气体 C.它能抑制燃烧的连锁反应而中止燃烧当灭火剂接触火焰时,受热产生的溴离子与燃烧产生的氢基化合物发生化学反应,使燃烧连锁反应停止,同时还兼有冷却窒息作用 D.无腐蚀作用.毒性低.绝缘性能好.久存不变质 E.灭火后留有痕迹.污染灭火对象 F.适用于大型电力变压器及电子设备的火灾 [单选题]青蟹的初步加工步骤正确为( )。
A.用剪刀刺入腹脐→去草绳→开盖去鳃→刷洗整理 B.用剪刀刺入腹脐→开盖去鳃→去草绳→刷洗整理 C.用剪刀刺入腹脐→去草绳→刷洗整理→开盖去鳃 D.以上都错 [多项选择]根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》规定,下列构成发盘要件的有()。
A. 发盘内容十分确定 B. 表明经受盘人接受,发盘人即受约束的意思 C. 明确发盘的有效期 D. 发盘效力以发盘人再次通知为准 [单选题]列车上补卧铺手续费( )
A.5元/人 B.5元/人次 C.5元/张 D.5元 我来回答: 提交