Our ape-men forefathers had no obvious
natural weapons in the struggle for (1) in the open. They had
neither the powerful teeth nor the strong claws of the big cats. They could not
(2) with the bear, whose strength, speed and claws
(3) an impressive " small fire" weaponry. They could not even
defend themselves (4) running swiftly like the horses, zebras
or small animals. If the ape-men had attempted to compete on those terms in the
open, they would have been (5) to failure and extinction. But
they were (6) with enormous concealed advantages of a kind
not possessed by any of their competitors. In the search (7) the pickings of the forest, the ape-men had (8) A. match B. compare C. rival D. equal [单选题]制动风压漏泄每分钟不大于()kPa,缓解时间一般不超过35s。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 [判断题]辅警中符合当地政府特殊人才计划引进条件的,劳动报酬待遇应当执行人才引进的相关政策( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] 实施深井,地下等相对密闭空间救援时应采取哪些保护措施?
[单选题] 下列行政案件中,应以阻碍执行职务的违反治安管理行为处罚的是( )。
A.甲是某歌舞厅的领班,某日,民警接到举报到该歌舞厅查处吸毒案件时, 甲用手机短信告知正在包间里吸毒的黄某 B.乙是某宾馆老板,某日,民警接到举报到该宾馆查处赌博时,乙暗示服务员给正在某房里赌博的方某等人通风报信 C.丙是某出租屋的主人,某日,民警接到举报到丙的出租屋抓捕违法嫌疑人陈某时,丙大声叫喊,让陈某逃走 D.丁是出租车司机,在某晚公安机关开展的扫黄活动中,看到警车停在某酒店旁边时,立即通知该酒店经理,让其通知卖淫、嫖娼人员逃走 [多选题]―年版第五套人民币100元纸币上的()专业防伪特征可供机读。
A.光彩光变数字 B.双色横号码 C.无色荧光图案 D.全埋安全线 [简答题]亚洲气候大陆性强烈有哪些表现?是什么原因造成的?
[单选题]供电段以外的施工人员参加高速铁路施工维修作业时须经( )培训考试合格后方准参加作业。(1分)
A.供电段 B.设备管理单位 C.铁路局 D.供电处 [单选题]在雷雨天不要走近高压电杆、铁塔、避雷针远离至少( )以外。
A.10米 B.15米 C.20米 [多选题]高速铁路桥梁防落梁挡块的保养标准有( )。
A.挡块、螺栓齐全完 B.挡块与支承垫石、墩台顶面之间的空隙满足要求 C.墩顶相邻跨挡块连接板椭圆孔空隙满足梁体自由伸缩要求 [简答题]结合国外科技体制改革实践,谈谈对我国科技体制改革的启示。
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