When, in the age of automation, man searches for a worker to do the tedious, unpleasant jobs that are impossible to mechanize, he may very profitably consider the ape.
If we tackled the problem of breeding for brains with as much as enthusiasm as we devote to breeding dogs of surrealistic shapes, we could eventually produce assorted models of useful primates, ranging in size from the gorilla down to the baboon, each adapted to a special kind of work. It is not putting too much strain on the imagination to assume that geneticists could produce a super-ape, able to understand some scores of words, and capable of being trained for such jobs as picking fruit, cleaning up the litter in parks, shining shoes, collecting garbage, doing household chores, and even baby-sitting (though I have known some babies I would not care to trust with a valuable ape).
Apes could do many jobs, such as cleaning streets and the more repetitive types of agricultural work, without supervisi
A. irrational
B. plausible
C. biologically impossible
D. demonstrably true
男性,30岁,从三楼跌下左腹部跌伤,左6、7、8肋骨骨折,脾破裂.肠破裂。入院时精神紧张,T 38.5℃,面色苍白,肢端冰冷,脉搏细速,P110次/分,血压130/100mmHg,尿量减少。 |
The stability of the US banking system
is maintained by means of supervision and regulation, inspections, deposit
insurance, and loans to troubled banks. For over 50 years, these precautions
have prevented banking panics. However, there have been some close calls. The
collapse of Continental Illinois Bank & Trusted Company of Chicago in 1984
did not bring down the banking system, but it certainly rattled some
windows. In the late 1970s, Continental soared to a leadership position among Midwestern banks. Parts of its growth strategy were risky, however. It made many loans in the energy field, including one billion dollars that it took over from Penn Square Band of Oklahoma City. To obtain the funds it needed to make these loans, Continental relied heavily on short-term borrowing from other banks and large 30-day certifi A. a fast growth period B. a stability period C. a run D. an oil price decrease [单选题]户外220kV高压配电装置场所的行车通道上,车辆(包括装载物)外廓至无遮拦带电部分之间的安全距离为( )m。
A.2.55 B.2.35 C.2.25 D.1.75 [填空题]轨道车司机在运行中严格执行“十六字令”和呼唤应答制度、( )制度。
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单项选择]实施行政执法,发现效力等级较低的规定与效力等级较高的规定相抵触时,应当执行()。
A. 效力等级较低的规定 B. 效力等级较高的规定 C. 效力等级更高的规定 D. 其他相关规定 [单选题]季节换装的时间和要求,通常由( )研究规定。
A.应急管理部 B.消防救援总队 C.驻地消防救援队伍 D.消防救援局 [判断题]公安机关10月21日凭协助冻结财产通知书,注明冻结时间是10月24日至次年4月24日。柜员正确操作是从10月21日冻结至次年4月21日。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]行车组织工作必须坚持安全第一、集中领导、统一指挥、逐级负责的原则。
[单项选择]某女,30岁,生育史:1-0-0-1,停经50天,阴道流血伴阵发性下腹痛1天。妇科检查:子宫稍大,宫口松弛,开大约3-4cm。应采取的有效措施是( )
A. 刮宫术 B. 保胎 C. 不需特殊处理 D. 注射止血药 E. 注射缩宫素 [单项选择]对于癌症患者各系统器官功能的评定多着重于()
A. 运动的功能 B. 神经系统的功能以及疼痛 C. 心、肺功能,外周血细胞计数 D. 言语、吞咽功能 E. 以上全是 我来回答: 提交