Language learning begins with
listening. Individual children vary greatly in the amount of listening they do
before they start speaking, and late starters are often long listeners. Most
children will "obey" spoken instructions some time before they Can speak, though
the word "obey" is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted
cooperation usually shown by the child. Before they can speak, many children
will also ask questions by gestures and by making questioning noises. Any attempt to trace the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, and that during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves out as particularly indicative of delight, distress, sociability, and so on. But since these cannot be A. may have problems with their hearing B. usually pay close attention to what they hear C. often take a long time in learning to listen properly D. probably do not hear enough language spoken around them [单项选择]治疗呕吐外邪犯胃证的主方是()
A. 保和丸加减 B. 四七汤加减 C. 藿香正气散加减 D. 麦门冬汤加减 E. 理中汤加减 [名词解释]地质大循环
[单选题]根据《普速铁路接触网运行维修规则》,线岔两接触线高差标准值:当两支均为工作支时,两线相距500mm、800mm 处,正线线岔的侧线接触线比正线接触线高(),侧线线岔两接触线等高。
A.0 B.20mm C.100mm D.350mm [判断题]按《塔里木油田钻井井控实施细则》规定:方钻杆上、下旋塞(顶驱接单根钻进所带钻杆旋塞)使用过程中,必须处于半开或半关状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]施工单位应当将施工现场的办公、生活区与作业区(),并保持安全距离。
A. 集中设置 B. 混合设置 C. 相邻设置 D. 分开设置 [判断题]等级:同等距离以承运人提供的旅行环境不同确定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]TYJL-ADX型计算机联锁,当接车进路的区段轨道电路故障并且道岔表示正常时,不能排列接车进路,需要办理()方式接车
A.A、引导接车 B.B、引导总锁 C.C、道岔单锁 D.D、道岔封闭 [单项选择]采取欺骗手段招揽乘客的,扣()分。
A. 1 B. 5 C. 12 [单项选择]通常被称为“最后的安全网”的社会保障制度是()。
A. 社会救助 B. 社会福利 C. 社会优抚 D. 社会保险 [单选题]某种面料为平纹织物,面料较硬,呈透明或半透明状,颜色鲜艳而丰富,该面料是下列选项中的哪一种面料:
A.欧根纱 B.素绉缎 C.塔夫绸 D.乔其纱 [判断题]在会计凭证传递期间,单位财务部门的会计人员及本单位档案部门的管理人员都有责任保管好会计凭证,严防在传递中散失。 ( )
A. SRBC受体 B. Smlg C. 抗原识别受体 D. MHC编码产物 E. CD4分子 [单选题]微处理器一般由( )、程序存储器、内部数据存储器、接口和功能单元(如定时器、计数器)以及相应的逻辑电路所组成。
A.CNC B.PLC C.CPU D.MPU [简答题]简述防尘防毒的主要措施。
[多项选择]在决策树法中,决策树是由( )组成的。
A. 方块结点 B. 圆形结点 C. 方案枝 D. 概率枝 E. 期望值枝 [单选题]电气测量时,人体与10kV高压带电部位的距离不得小于( )米的作业安全距离。
A.0.7 B.1.0 C.1.5 D.3.0 [单选题]停放制动中( )可防止空气常用制动力与停车制动产生的弹簧制动力产生重叠,从而避免夹钳单元过载。
A.电磁阀 B.双向止回阀 C.单向阀 D.节流阀 [多选题]监护人应()。
A.A.了解作业区域或岗位的生产过程 B.B.熟悉工艺操作和设备状况 C.C.了解周边环境和风险 D.D.熟悉应对突发事件的处置程序 [单选题]系统备份数据、每日日终备份数据保存期限不少于( )。
A.1个月 B.2个月 C.3个月 D.4个月 [单选题]过滤机的过滤面积为)( )m2( )有关
A.62 B.72 C.82 D.92 [多选题]辅助线是在运行过程中为列车提供收发车、折返、联络、安全保障、临时停车等功能服务,通过道岔与正线联络或通过道岔相互联络的轨道线路,包括( )等。
A.渡线 B.存车线 C.折返线 D.联络线 E.安全线 F.出入段/场线 [多选题]判定起火点位置,应根据( )综合分析。
A.火势蔓延痕迹 B.起火特征 C.人证 D.火源物证 E.人员伤亡情况等其他证据 [判断题]消防安全重点单位的职工应在上岗前接受消防安全培训。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题][494]在磁粉探伤中,当工件被磁化以后在表面缺陷处会( )。
A.无特殊现象存在 B.形成漏磁场 C.出现磁力线无法通过缺陷而产生反射的现象 D.出现磁力线在缺陷上产生透射和折射的现象 [单选题](单选)《电气操作导则》(Q/CSG 125008—2016)第4.5.1条规定,500kV3/2接线方式,线路送电时一般应先合上( )断路器,后合( )断路器。
A.母线侧,中间 B.中间,母线侧 C.遮断容量大的,遮断容量小的 D.遮断容量小的,遮断容量大的 [单项选择]According to Mickey Kaus, which of the following is NOT true
A. Methods like evading income tax or providing more chances for job training might help reduce the existing inequality. B. The Democratic Party is spreading propaganda that they could regain the lost paradise. C. Americans once had a period of time when they could obtain middle-class status easily. D. Income inequality results from the fact that society needs more and more workers who have a high skill and a good education. 我来回答: 提交