Questions 144-146 refer to the
following advertisement. How would you like to save 50% on a rental car Contact National Car Rental today! You pay just half the usual rate on weekend rentals of compact cars. What a deal! But you have to hurry! This special {{U}} (144) {{/U}} is available only for a short time. National Car Rental also has luxury cars, trucks, and sports utility vehicles, and all are {{U}} (145) {{/U}} with air-conditioning, a radio, and a CD player. With offices at every major airport and in neighborhoods throughout the city, there is always a National Car Rental location close to you. Renting a car from us is easy. Call now to reserve your {{U}} (146) {{/U}}and be sure to ask about the 50% discount. Note that this discount does not include insurance and is only available on certain week A. (A) suite B. (B) vehicle C. (C) voucher D. (D) accommodation [判断题]《工伤保险条例》规定,社会保险行政部门工作人员与工伤认定申请人有利害关系的,应当回避。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]必须严格落实安全形势分析制度、安全学习教育制度、安全技术训练制度、()、安全督导提示制度、安全员(助理)制度、安全总结讲评制度、伤亡事故调查制度等8项制度。
A.干部跟班制度 B.干部带队制度制度 C.干部跟班作业制度 [单选题]高压氧的绝对禁忌证之一是()
A.肺结核 B.有颅骨缺损者 C.未经处理的气胸 D.收缩压>150mmHg E.体温>38 [判断题]毒蛇咬伤后,不要惊慌、奔跑、饮酒,以免加速蛇毒在人体内扩散.
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 维护与操作终端还具有电话转接、号码查询、( )和其他非话务服务的功能。
A.故障诊断 B.故障受理 C.故障判断 D.故障处理 多选题 [判断题]死后,体内的毒物分布不会发生变化
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]掀起全国抗日救亡运动新高潮的是()。
A. 九•一八后东北义勇军抗日 B. 一•二九运动 C. 察哈尔抗日同盟军抗日 D. 十九路军在上海抗日 [单项选择]根据2004年中国移动CMCC GPRS巡检规定:满足()条件则定义为“无覆盖里程”。
A. TBF处于Close状态且30s以上没收到sysinfo13 B. TBF处于Close状态且60s以上没收到sysinfo13 C. TBF处于Close状态且90s以上没收到sysinfo13 D. TBF处于Close状态且90s以上没收到sysinfo7 [单项选择]某女,40岁。内蒙古某畜牧场挤奶工。因不规则发热、多汗2个月,关节疼痛伴颈部淋巴结肿大20天入院。查体:T38.3℃,P60次/分,R23次/分,BP120/80mmHg。皮肤无黄染,颈部、颌下淋巴结肿大。右上腹压痛,肝肋下3cm,脾大。WBC4.0乘以十的九次方/,中性粒细胞80%,血小板6乘以十的六次方/L。本病急性期治疗不当可发展成慢性期,病程()
A. 长于3个月者为慢性期 B. 长于6个月者为慢性期 C. 长于1年者为慢性期 D. 长于2年者为慢性期 E. 以上均不是 [单项选择]以下各题使用下列数据表。
“外汇名”表: 外币代码 外币名称 现钞买入价 现钞卖出价 基准价 13 欧元 958.6400 985.2300 996.5400 28 英镑 1220.9700 1330.2200 1287.4565 37 法自 592.7650 618.1305 612.5910 26 加元 516.4110 531.4280 519.8690 15 美元 811.5410 817.8900 815.6650 “持有数”表: 姓名 外币代码 持有数量 李巡芬 37 30000.00 张武奇 13 1000.00 马小六 15 3000.00 马小六 37 4000.00 张武奇 15 2200.00 林诗诗 26 2000.20 李巡芬 26 30000.00 张武奇 28 3000.00 马小六 26 3000.00 马小六 13 4000.00 张武奇 26 18000.00 查询持有外币种类在4种及以上人员的姓名,以及持有的种类数量,并按种类数量升序排列,数量相同时,按姓名降序排列,下列语句正确的是( )。 A. SELECT 姓名,COUNT(*) AS 外币种类 FROM 持有数 B. SELECT 姓名,COUNT(*) AS 外币种类 FROM 持有数 C. SELECT 姓名,COUNT(*) AS 外币种类 FROM 持有数 D. SELECT 姓名,COUNT(*) AS 外币种类 FROM 持有数 [判断题]当前把创新摆在国家发展全局的核心位置,把创新驱动发展战略作为国家重大战略
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Your parents have to ______ you permission before you can go for the excursion.
A. award B. grant C. allow D. offer [单项选择]When the author mentions the Indian fakir, he suggests that ______.
A. Indians are not at all afraid of pain B. people may be senseless of pain C. some people are able to handle pain D. Fakirs have magic to put needles fight through their arms [多选题]管道连接方式有( )。
A.卡箍连接 B.承插连接 C.螺纹连接 D.法兰连接 [简答题]A-C-B-002 2 3 2
铁路线路平面图绘制时,曲线起点ZH(直缓点)和终点HZ(缓直点),HY(缓圆点)和YH(圆缓点)的里程数应垂直于线路标注在( )_。 [判断题]浊度是反应水中各种悬浮物、胶体物质等杂质含量多少的一个重要的物理外观参数,也是考核水处理设备净化效率的主要依据。
[填空题]滑行时,轮轨间粘着状态被破坏,使列车制动力下降,( )。
[单项选择]Stress- and pressure-filled days have become an almost normal part of contemporary life, due to the ever-growing demands of careers, home maintenance, parenting responsibilities, and community involvement. Because of this, there is a general consensus that just doing all that daily needs to be done is an emotionally intense and complex process. In fact, a wit once commented, "Living these days is like a grammar lesson: The past is perfect; the present is tense. "
Technology makes it more difficult to separate ourselves from work. In times past, it was possible to have a stressful workplace, go home, and relax. Since less work was mental and more was physical, it was relatively easy to remove oneself - physically and mentally - from it. The sophisticated communication technology available today was not yet developed. In contrast to the "good old days," it is no longer possible for busy men and women to go home or go on vacation and truly " get away from it all. " It becomes difficu A. many people complain about their stress- and pressure-filled life for no good reason B. the highly developed technology is actually a subtle source of high-level stress C. all stress and pressure of contemporary life result from the development of science and technology D. more and more people have come to realize the negative effect of new technology on their emotional well-being [简答题]三希堂收藏的三件稀世之宝是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]列车阮管有分离情况时,应对列车自动制动机车进行( )。
A.全部试验 B.部分试验 C.简略试验 D.持续一定时间的全部试验 [判断题]单人巡视,禁止攀登杆塔和配电变压器台架。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]熊彼特认为,创新的内容包括()
A. 新产品和新技术 B. 新材料 C. 新市场和新制度 D. 以上都是 [简答题]†年赞比亚中国春节庙会11日至12日在赞比亚首都卢萨卡举行。除了文艺汇演之外,今年春节庙会的内容还包括中华美食展和在赞中国企业展等。
[多项选择]含磺酰胺结构的药物有( )。
A. 双氢氯噻嗪 B. 甲氧苄啶 C. 依他尼酸 D. 呋喃妥因 E. 磺胺甲噁唑 [单选题]《普速铁路线路修理规则》规定,120 km/h<Vmax≤160 km/h正线(混凝土枕)地段线路轨道静态几何不平顺容许偏差需限速120km/h的管理值,轨向(直线)为()mm。
A.14 B.15 C.16 D.12 [单项选择]患者。女,32岁。饱餐后出现上腹部剧痛伴恶心呕吐,呕后腹痛反而加重,服解痉剂无效。检查:体温39℃。心率120次/分,腹部紧张。有压痛、.反跳痛,血清淀粉酶350U,血钙1.63mmol/L。应首先考虑的是()。
A. 急性心肌梗死 B. 溃疡病穿孔 C. 急性胰腺炎 D. 急性阑尾炎 E. 急性肠梗阻 我来回答: 提交