In information theory, "information" is regarded as knowledge which reduces or removes (71) about the occurrence of a specific event from a given set of possible events. The concept "event" is to be understood as used in the theory of probability. For instance, an event may be the occurrence of a (72) character or word in a given message or in a given position of a message.
In communication theory, channel is defined as that part of a communication system that connects the message source with the message sink. An encoder may be inserted between the message source and the input to the channel, and a (73) between the output of the channel and the message sink. Generally, these two units are not considered as being parts of the channel. In certain cases, however, they may be considered as pans of the message source and message sink, (74) . In information theory (75) to Shannon, the channel can be characterized b
A. separately
B. respectively
C. individually
D. distributed
Although the United States has been
shaped by continual waves of immigrants, Americans have often viewed immigration
as a problem. Established Americans often look down on new immigrants. Despite
such tensions, economic needs have always forced Americans to seek immigrants as
laborers and settlers, and economic opportunities have appealed to foreigners.
The vast majority of immigrants to the United States have come in search of jobs
and the chance to create a better life for themselves and their families. In all of American history, less than 10 percent of immigrants have come for political or religious reasons. Economic immigrants from Europe, Asia, and Latin America have come to the United States voluntarily. Others, most African Americans, were involuntarily transported to North America to do forced labor or to be so A. few immigrant groups try to maintain their own cultural tradition, language, and religious practices B. some groups, such as the Huguenots French Protestants) who immigrated during the colonial period, did not assimilate within one or two generations C. others, such as the German and Irish immigrants of the 19th century, still maintain some characteristics of their traditional cultures D. all the immigrants have absorbed in the beliefs and standards of the dominant society [单项选择]不属于类风湿关节炎关节外表现的一项是()。
A. 皮下类风湿结节 B. Felty综合征 C. 巩膜炎 D. 面部对称性水肿性红斑 E. 下肢皮肤溃疡 [多项选择]对新进入者与竞争对手之间的抗衡情况,应该重点注意()、()、()这三个方面。
A. 技术差异 B. 财务差异 C. 卖方密度 D. 产品差异 E. 进入难度 [判断题] 根据我国《常用危险化学品分类及标志》 ,压缩气体和液化气体中,不包括氧气 。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]进行农作物种植区规划时,需要综合多个要素进行计算,如温度、地形、土壤等,这需要采用何种空间分析手段( )
A. 缓冲区分析 B. 网络分析 C. 格网分析 D. 叠加复合分析 [单选题]全列空调列车,应<___>使用空调。( )
A.5月1日起至10月30日止 B.超过规定温度时 C.冬、夏两季 D.全年 [单选题] TGF23系列逆变器的额定输出电压为( )。
A.三相交流380×(1±5%)V B.单相交流220×(1±5%)V C.直流600 V D.A.B两种 [单选题]云南电网公司优化电力营商环境举措“三零三减两提升”中的“两提升”是指提升优质服务水平和( )。
A.提升设备运维管理水平 B.提升办事效率 C.提升供电可靠性 D.提升配网自动化水平 [单选题]()文化,是阳山历史文化的第一品牌!
A.韩愈 B.道家 C.名家 D.儒家 [单项选择]学习困难学生的记忆方面的最大障碍集中在( )
A. 记忆监控方面 B. 感觉记忆 C. 短时记忆 D. 长时记忆 [单项选择]糖尿病、高血压伴有肾功不全者最好选用()
A. 氢氯噻嗪 B. 利血平 C. 卡托普利 D. 胍乙啶 E. 哌唑嗪 [名词解释]发动机冷磨合
[单选题]混凝土灌注时,当混凝土灌注的间歇时间超过规定时,需待前层混凝土达到不小于( )的抗压强度后,才允许继续灌注新混凝土。
A.0.2MPa B.0.8 MPa C.1.2 MPa D.1.6 MPa [单项选择]我们所说的“四不像”是指那种动物?()
A. 麋鹿 B. 野马 C. 野牛 [单项选择]某物料控制温度为40℃,其绝对温度为()K。
A. 313 B. 310 C. 233 D. 104 [简答题]市第六次党代会指出,红色文化资源是赣州的最大财富、最大优势和最大品牌。
[判断题]IgG是血清中主要的免疫球蛋白,它是唯一能通过胎盘的抗体。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]工序质量控制的实质是( )。
A.对工序本身的控制 B.对人员的控制 C.对工序的实施方法的控制 D.对影响工序质量因素的控制 [判断题]若遇单人歹徒实施盗抢时,应采取策略迷惑对方,尽量缓和气氛,使其将凶器收起。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对肝脏疾病所致贫血,错误的说法是()
A. 可以是正常细胞性贫血 B. 可以是大细胞性贫血 C. 胆道阻塞患者外周血涂片中能见到靶形红细胞 D. 酒精中毒性肝病患者外周血涂片中不能见到棘形红细胞 E. 合并脾功能亢进者,全血细胞减少 [单选题]红枫的叶子呈现出的红色是由细胞中的( )表现出来的。
A.细胞中的有色体 B.细胞液中的有色体 C.液泡中的花青素 D.液泡中的有色体 [单选题]《每个收费站应准备( )天的纸质通行卡和定额票。
A.5天 B.10天 C.7天 D.3天 [单选题]预报、确报有变化时,驻站联络员应向现场防护员发出( )通知。
A.预报 B.确报 C.变更 D.传达 我来回答: 提交