For many years, Antarctica was thought
to be only an archipelago whose islands were tied together above sea level by
ice. It was thought to be made up of two small subcontinents--East Antarctica,
the larger, and West Antarctica, containing the Antarctic Peninsula. The two
continents were supposed to be separated by a large trough, below sea level,
that connected the Ross and Weddell Seas. Geophysical studies have now revealed a fairly complete picture of the Antarctic landform below its ice cover. We know now that West Antarctica is connected to the main part of the continent by a chain of mountains well above sea level, though largely buried by ice and snow. The bedrock of much of East Antarctica appears to be above sea level. Whether mineral wealth lies hidden by the vast ice sheets is unknown. No more than 2 perce A. 52 percent. B. 98 percent. C. 76 percent. D. 100 percent. [单项选择]《行政处罚法》设定的处罚有()个种类有哪些
A. 四 B. 五 C. 六 D. 七 [多项选择]涡轮增压器喘振的原因有()。
A. 由于气阀机构的故障,使燃气窜入进气道 B. 空气冷却器冷却水温度高 C. 柴油机负荷突然降低或紧急停车,增压器转子由于惯性其转速不能降低 D. 空气滤清器或中冷气道堵塞,使空气流量减少 [判断题]变频器的选择原则应根据电动机的电流和功率来决定变频器的容量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 室外有()原因使单动道岔(ZDJ9转辙机)扳不动。
A.安全接点接触不良 B.碳刷接触不良 C.电机故障 D.插接件接触不良 E.电缆故障 [填空题]The traditional American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In that year a special feast was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The colonists who had (47) there had left England because they felt denied of (48) freedom. They came to the new land and faced difficulties in coming across the ocean. The ship which carried them was called Mayflower. The North Atlantic was difficult to travel. There were bad storms. They were assisted in (49) to live in the new land by the Indians who inhabited the region. The Puritans, as they were, had much to be (50) for. Their religious practices were no longer a (51) of criticism by the government. They learned to (52) their farming habits to the climate and soil. When they selected the 4th Thursday of November (53) their Thanksgiving celebration, they invited their neighbors, the Indians, to join them in dinner and a prayer of (54) for the new life. T
[多选题]术前消化道准备的目的是( )
A.保持消化道内清洁 B.防止麻醉及手术时呕吐 C.减轻术后腹胀 D.利于肺气体交换 [判断题]自动闭塞区段,双线双向闭塞设备的车站反方向发出列车时,列车进入区间的行车凭证是列车调度员的命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]发动机冷却系统提供发动机运动部位的润滑和冷却,由齿轮油泵、一二级滤清器、机油冷却器、管路、各种阀类等部分组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]当个别客人对你污辱或做出无理举动时,应如何处理?
A.车门全关闭环路未建立 B.门选向开关不在中间位 C.制动不缓解 D.接触网无高压 E.信号/cc切除牵引 [判断题]一对圆柱齿轮啮合的条件是:两个齿轮模数不相等,压力角相等。
A.直流水流或开花水流 B.雾状或开花水流 C.雾状水或直流水流 D.移动排烟机 [判断题]地市供电公司级单位和省电力公司直管的县供电公司级单位应在每个季度第一个月的6日前向省电力公司、国家电网有限公司直属公司上报上个季度下属所有县供电公司级单位的年内安全记录、连续安全记录和安全周期个数。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交