Real policemen, both Britain and the
United States, hardly recognize any resemblance between their lives and what
they see on TV - if they ever get home in time. There are similarities, of
course, but the cops don’t think much of them. The first difference is that a policeman’s real life revolves round the law. Most of his training is in criminal law. He has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what evidence can be used to prove them in court. He has to know nearly as much law as a professional lawyer, and what is more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and rain, running down an alley after someone he wants to talk to. Little of his time is spent in chatting to scantily clad ladies or in dramatic confrontations with desperate criminals. He will spend most of his working life typing millions of words on thou A. so that he can catch criminals in the streets B. because many of the criminals he has to catch are dangerous C. so that be can justify his arrests in court D. because he has to know nearly as much about law as a professional lawyer [单选题]Number对象是原始数值的包装对象,var myNum = Number(value),使用转换函数时,如果参数值不能转换为数字时,将返回()
A.0 B.NaN C."" D.null [单选题]阿法骨化醇的作用机制不包括
A.增加小肠对钙的重吸收 B.抑制甲状旁腺增生 C.抑制骨吸收 D.抑制肌细胞分化 E.增加肌力 [单项选择]变送器在自动测量、调节系统中用于测量各种参数并将其(),送至显示仪表或调节器进行指示调节。
A. 成比例地转成标准风信号或标准电流信号 B. 转成标准风信号或标准电流信号 C. 成比例地转成标准风信号 D. 成比例地转成标准电流信号 [多选题]镇区用地规划布局的镇布局原则有( )
A.实事求是原则 B.旧区改造原则 C.因地制宜原则 D.公正公开原则 E.用地经济原则 [多选题]室外消火栓的布置应符合( )的规定。
A.室外消火栓应沿道路设置 B.甲、乙、丙类液体储罐区和液化石油气储罐区的消火栓应设置在防火堤外 C.市政消火栓保护半径不应大于150m,间距不应大于120m D.室外消火栓的数量,应按建(构)筑物室外消防用水量和每个室外消火栓10-15L/s的消防用水量计算确定 E.室外消火栓宜采用地上式消火栓,且室外消火栓距路边的距离不应大于2m,距建筑物外墙不宜小于5m [填空题]Educational attitudes in a country may be a 【B1】 by which its basic cultural values are reflected. To take the American higher education 【B2】 example, university classrooms share certain identical features though they 【B3】 from course to course in some aspects. Any student, 【B4】 their ethnic and social background, is not only allowed but also encouraged to have chances for active participation in class. 【B5】. teachers often expect independent learning 【B6】 their students. It will be most appreciated if a student can 【B7】 the initiative and complete the assignment without too much 【B8】 upon his or her instructors. These two 【B9】 features in American university classrooms actually manifest the basic American values, especially self-reliance and 【B10】 of opportunity.
A. A.with B.of C.for [单选题]执行返回指令,退出中断服务程序,这时返回地址来自( )。
A.ROM区 B.程序计数器 C.堆栈区 D.CPU的暂存寄存器 [多项选择]按照建标[2003]206号文的规定,下列各项中属于建筑安装工程施工机械使用费的有( )。
A. 折旧费 B. 大修理费 C. 大型机械设备进出场及安拆费 D. 经常修理费 E. 机械操作人员的工资 [单选题]下列说法正确的是:( )
A.流体的流速越大,压强越大 B.原子是由原子核和电子组成的 C.运动的物体具有惯性,静止的物体没有惯性 D.液体很难被压缩,说明液体分子间没有空隙 [多选题]4.操作设备应具有明显的标志,包括()、切换位置的指示及设备相色等。
A.命名 B.编号 C.分合指示 D.旋转方向 我来回答: 提交