A—Internet access
B—Open dial- up connection window
C—Enter card number in the "user name" box
D—Enter ID number in the "password" box
E—Enter 17200 in the "phone number" box
G—Please input your account number
H—Please enter your ID number
I—Please enter the number you wish to call
J—Get current credit
K—Inquire abbreviated number
L—Transfer credit money from other cards to this card
M—Please enter your new ID number
N—Modify the ID number
O—Modify the abbreviated number
P—Account recharge
Interest is steadily spreading from a
minority of enthusiasts in developing renewable sources of energy--wind, wave
and solar power, tidal and geothermal energy. Additional support for them has
come with a proposal to explore the untapped sources of hydro-electric power in
Scotland. The details are provided by Mr. William Manser in a study provided for an expert committee to look at the developments possible for hydro-electric sites and, more important, for means of financing them. There is a clear industrial connection in Mr. Manser’s study because it was done for the Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors; hydro-electric schemes, by definition, have a large civil engineering component in them. Mr. Manser estimates that wind power could theoretically provide more than 7 percent of electricity supply in the United A. presented by a financial committee. B. part of a civil engineering contract. C. commissioned by a professional organization. D. written in conjunction with an expert committee. [简答题]什么是衬网压榨?
[单选题] ( )是指对那些有较高声誉的名牌高档商品或在名店销售的商品制定较高的价格,以满足消费者求名和炫耀的心理。
A.声望定价 B.撇脂定价 C.尾数定价 D.习惯定价 [简答题]在开展主题教育中要注意抓“四个到位”,“四个到位” 包括哪些?
[多项选择]根据《中华人民共和国会计法》的规定,下列各项中,单位出纳人员不得兼任的工作有( )。
A. 稽核 B. 会计档案保管 C. 银行存款日记账登记工作 D. 费用账目登记工作 [判断题]陈某强迫刘某穿着印有恐怖主义标志的服饰上街,否则就殴打刘某。陈某的行为构成犯罪。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肾小管液Na+,Cl-,K+,H2O和HCO3ˉ重吸收的主要部位是
A. 髓袢 B. 远曲小管 C. 近端小管 D. 集合管 E. 肾小囊 [单选题]在 TCP/IP 参考模型中TCP协议工作在( )。
A.应用层 B.传输层 C.互连层 D.主机---网络层 [简答题]小王大学毕业就职于一所高级中学,各工作踏实肯干,但是不久他发现同事和学生都自觉不自觉地疏远他,他感到很苦恼。后来他才明白原来是由于自己不修边幅,个人卫生方面也不太注意,常常被同事和同学视为另类。他感到十分迷惑。“我把课讲完讲好不就行了,吃什么穿什么这不是我个人的私事么?”试从老师职业道德的角度对小王的做法和想法进行分析。
[单选题]期货从业人员在执业过程中应当以适当的技能,以小心谨慎、勤勉尽责和独立客观的态度为投资者提供服务,维护( )的合法权益。
A.国家 B.投资者 C.期货公司 D.期货交易所 [单选题]心理学中的文饰是指个体无意识地用似乎合理的解释来为难以接受的情感、行为、动机辩护,以使其可以接受。依据上述定义,下列属于文饰的是:( )
A.顾左右而言他 B.吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸 C.未雨绸缪 D.讳疾忌医 [单项选择]距电流入地点()m以外,跨步电压接近于零。
A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40 [单选题]不同状态的起火物点燃性能由易至难的顺序排列正确的是( )。
A.气态起火物、固态起火物、液态起火物 B.固态起火物、液态起火物、气态起火物 C.固态起火物、气态起火物、液态起火物 D.气态起火物、液态起火物、固态起火物 [多选题]连续再生装置正常烧焦时,催化剂的循环速率是由( )确定的。
A.燃烧区氧含量 B.待生催化剂碳含量 C.燃烧区气体流量 D.再生催化剂的碳含量 [单选题]李某,进行青霉素皮肤试验5分钟后突然晕倒在地,面色苍白,呼吸微弱,脉搏细弱,意识丧失。护士应( )
A.立即通知医师 B.立即氧气吸入 C.立即肌内注射洛贝林 D.立即皮下注射异丙肾上腺素 E.立即皮下注射盐酸肾上腺素 [单选题]自动化检定系统在可能触及人员位置设置安全警示标识。()
A.A-正确 B.B-错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 G.略 我来回答: 提交