Questions 51-55 are based on the following
passage. Reebok executives do not like to hear their stylish athletic shoes called "footwear for yuppies". They contend that Reebok shoes appeal to diverse market segments, especially now that the company offers basketball and children’s shoes for the under-18 set and walking shoes for older customers not interested in aerobics or running. The executives also point out that through recent acquisitions they have added hiking boots, dress and casual shoes, and high-performance athletic footwear to their product lines, all of which should attract new and varied grou A. A company should not sell its high quality shoes in discount stores. B. A company should not limit its distribution network. C. A company should do follow-up surveys of its products. D. A company should correctly evaluate the impact of a new craze on the market. [判断题]无论是超高压还是特高压输电,其输电能力随输电距离的增加而减少。()
A. 一审法院裁定准予撤诉 B. 二审法院裁定准予撤诉 C. 二审法院先对被告对驳回管辖权异议裁定的上诉作出裁定,一审法院再根据该裁定作出处理 D. 二审法院审查一审法院无管辖权,直接移送有管辖权的法院 [多选题]作业收工前现场负责人组织作业人员对()、两线间等作业范围进行全面检查,确保无机具、材料、道砟侵限。
A.路肩 B.道床 C.道心 D.枕木头 [单项选择]Wireless waste from cell phones, pocket PCs, and music players()special problems because they have toxic chemicals in batteries and other components.
A. pose B. commit C. transport D. expose [判断题]( )输油(气)站、阀室不属于管道附属设施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]职工因工作遭受事故伤害或者患职业病需要暂停工作接受工伤医疗的,在停工留薪期内,( ),由所在单位按月支付。
A.原工资与福利待遇均不变 B.原工资不变,但福利待遇减半 C.原工资与福利待遇均减半 D.原工资停发,但福利待遇不变 [判断题]积极配合调查,主动承担责任,并认真反思整改的,可从轻问责。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]10KV系统发生单相接地时允许继续运行1小时。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]含有木脂素、挥发油及有机酸类成分的药材是
A.五味子 B.木瓜 C.补骨脂 D.枳壳 E.酸枣仁 [单选题]公安机关办理治安案件中,对扣押的物品,经查明与案件无关的,应当及时退还;经核实属于他人合法财产的,应当登记后立即退还;满( )无人对该财产主张权利或者无法查清权利人的,应当公开拍卖或者按照国家有关规定处理,所得款项上缴国库。
A.1个月 B.3个月 C.6个月 D.1年 [判断题]信息系统上线前,应对访问策略和操作权限进行全面清理,核查帐号权限,核实开放端口和策略,各类用户、帐号赋权应遵循最小化原则,仅满足该业务或功能需求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]列车运行到区段站,列车停稳,司机打开屏蔽门及车门后,要及时将路票交车站值班员。并确认车站人员在路票上( )。并等待新的行车凭证(路票)。
A.打勾 B.打叉 C.打圈 D.打斜线 [单项选择]玉米的PEPC固定CO2在()中。
A. 叶肉细胞的叶绿体间质 B. 叶肉细胞的细胞质 C. 维管束鞘细胞的叶绿体间质 D. 维管束鞘细胞的的细胞质 我来回答: 提交