In a three-month period last year, two Brooklynites had to be cut out of their apartments and carried to hospital on stretchers designed for transporting small whales. The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance(NAAFA) argues that it was not their combined 900kg bulk that made them ill. Obesity, according to NAAFA, is not bad for you. And, even if it was, there is nothing to be done about it, because genes dictate weight. Attempting to eat less merely slows metabolism, having people as chubby as ever.
This is the fatlash movement that causes America’s slimming industry so much pain. In his book Bin Fat Lies (Ballantine, 1996), Glenn Gaesser says that no study yet has convincingly shown that weight is an independent cause of health problems. Fatness does not kill people; things like hypertension, coronary heart diseases and cancer do. Michael Fumento, author of The Fat of the Land ( Viking, 1997), an anti-fatlash diatribe, compares Dr Gaesser’s logic wit
A. to tell the truth
B. to reduce
C. to increase
D. to tell a small lie
After the stock-market crash of October
1929 it took over three years for America’s government to launch a series of
dramatic efforts to end the Depression, starting with Roosevelt’s declaration of
a four-day bank holiday in March 1933. In-between, America saw the worst
economic collapse in its history. Thousands of banks failed, a damaging
deflation set in, output declined by a third and unemployment rose to 25%. The
Depression brought enormous damage across the globe, but most of all on
America’s economy. As a result, the boundaries between government and markets
were redrawn. During the past month, little more than a year after the financial storm first struck in August 2007, America’s government made its most dramatic interventions in financial markets since the 1930s. At the time it was not even certain that the A. They think their actions are too dramatic for the situation. B. Being picky at first, they finally support their actions. C. They totally approve of the dramatic interventions for the experience of 1929. D. They think the banking catastrophe now is not a big deal. [简答题]发散思维
[多选题]在建筑物倒塌事故处置中,对救援人员行动安全的要求是( )。
A. 不应进入建筑结构已经明显松动的建筑物内部 B. 不得登上已受力不均衡的阳台、楼板、屋顶等部位 C. 不准冒险进入非稳固支撑的建筑废墟下面 D. 冒险进入已经明显松动的建筑物内部实施救人 [单项选择]句群一
A. 日本では、主婦は普通の仕事をしない。 B. 中国では、普通女性がご飯を作る。 C. 中国では男性も女性も家事をしたがらない。 D. 中国では、夫と妻のどちらがご飯を作るかは特に決まっていない。 [多项选择]抗生素治疗72小时后症状无改善,主要原因可能为()
A. 细菌耐药,药物未能覆盖致病菌 B. 特殊病原体感染 C. 药物热 D. 出现并发症 E. 非感染性疾病误诊为肺炎 [单项选择]关于美国南北战争,表述有误的是()
A. 是维护国家统一的战争 B. 是废除美国境内黑人奴隶制度的战争 C. 是美国历史上的第二次资产阶级革命 D. 《宅第法》有可能战后加速西进运动 [判断题]( )为了表达有效,电话沟通时尽量使用封闭式的问题。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交