In Denver, five were pummeled to death
and two more beheaded. In Richmond, Virginia, one was beaten, stabbed and
beheaded, his head then carried nearly a mile and placed for display on a
footbridge. In Seattle, one was stabbed 18 times, another beaten bloody, then
stabbed. They were all homeless people killed over the last year. And these were just the killings that make the news. Exactly how many homeless people have been victims of savage attacks is unknown. Police departments do not tabulate crimes against homeless people, and in many cases, such as several beatings that have frightened the large homeless population in San Francisco, those who survive attacks often do not report them. In many cases, because many people on the streets are mentally ill or drug addicted or both, they are easier to victimize and harder to help A. the homeless are a special group of people. B. the homeless are forgotten by the society. C. the homeless are a helpless group of people. D. the homeless are chosen as targets of attacks. [单选题]领导干部对组织处理决定不服的,可以在收到组织处理决定后,向作出组织处理决定的党委(党组)提出书面申诉。党委(党组)应当在收到申诉的( )内作出申诉处理决定,以书面形式告知干部本人以及所在单位。
A.20天 B.1个月 C.2个月 D.3个月 [填空题]轨端或轨顶面剥落掉块,υmax≤120km/h,长度超过15mm且深度超过( )mm应判为轻伤。
[单选题]根据用电设备的重要程度,电力负荷分为( )。
A.一级 B.二级 C.三级 D.四级 [简答题][问答题]肺脓肿的 X 线表现有哪些 ?
[单选题][T]B-A-C-003 5 2 3
A2、A3修时,圆形缓冲杆检修,分解缓冲杆座,橡胶缓冲套脱胶、钢衬套磨耗超过原型壁厚( )时更换。 A.1/2 B.1/3 C.1/4 D.1/5 [单选题]根据相关文件规定,下列哪个行为属于可能危及飞行安全的行为( )。
A.企图打开驾驶舱门 B.在驾驶舱门口徘徊 C.故意移动机上救生设备 D.在机上抽电子香烟 [单项选择]男性,26岁。工作时不慎擦破右小腿皮肤,2天后突然畏寒,发热,伤肢疼痛明显。查体:体温38℃。右下肢轻度肿胀,小腿及大腿中下段出现一红线,压痛明显。正确的诊断是()
A. 网状淋巴管炎 B. 急性浅静脉炎 C. 深层淋巴管炎 D. 浅层淋巴管炎 E. 急性蜂窝织炎 我来回答: 提交